Please Allow Me - First!

  • MrGiz
  • 06-30-2010, 08:17 AM
DeAnna Luv for Moderator!!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
DeAnna Luv for Moderator!!

Originally Posted by MrGiz

I can't wait to start reading the reaction to this one.


jon5150's Avatar
Giz, r u drunk?
Giz, r u drunk? Originally Posted by jon5150
That would definitely explain the delusions of grandeur.

I nominate Mr.Chan!

  • MrGiz
  • 06-30-2010, 12:18 PM
That would definitely explain the delusions of grandeur..... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Afterall..... a Moderator needs at least a Lil Grandeur..... right?

On my phone so don't feel like typing a lot...but ur too funny giz..just too funny..more later..
Would rise to occasion to offer own humble voice to general outcry which will no doubt accompany following words. Immoral and impossible ignorant self would like to nominate honorable gentleman from city known as cradle of music,ground zero for barbecue, Asian massage parlors and once home to nastiest strip club in America.. Bluff City Guy!!!
Submit equal may found for esteemed caveman, but none will be found greater.
Yes, Mr.Chan...I concur!

BCG would make a most excellent moderator.

What say you, BCG?
willro's Avatar
Willro says.... BCG or Mr Chan would both be a great choice.


Seems like TN, MS and LA need MODS but AR has one. TN is so quiet, HSP could do it too (no offense meant). MS, JustAGuy - lol poor sweetie. LA is gonna be the difficult one.
willro's Avatar


Seems like TN, MS and LA need MODS but AR has one. TN is so quiet, HSP could do it too (no offense meant). MS, JustAGuy - lol poor sweetie. LA is gonna be the difficult one. Originally Posted by babee

HSP is doing a fine job too. I hope my suggestions did not imply otherwise.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-01-2010, 03:22 PM
MrChan and BCG are both fine candidates.... but I think each (just my opinion) would have to change personas; just a tad, to be taken seriously as a moderator.
The faux Cantonese and constant Pun Machine are fun.... but I might find it difficult, being put in my place by either!


P.S. - .... and everyone knows.... Giz needs to be put into place every now and then!
Sonoman's Avatar
Mr Giz, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't take well to anyone putting you in your place.... just sayin.

And with the reccommendation, does that mean you withdrew your "first one"?

Then maybe we should ask the choir to assemble and sing "Let There be Peace"

MrChan and BCG are both fine candidates.... but I think each (just my opinion) would have to change personas; just a tad, to be taken seriously as a moderator.
The faux Cantonese and constant Pun Machine are fun.... but I might find it difficult, being put in my place by either!


P.S. - .... and everyone knows.... Giz needs to be put into place every now and then! Originally Posted by MrGiz
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 07-01-2010, 04:30 PM
HSP is doing a fine job too. I hope my suggestions did not imply otherwise. Originally Posted by willro
None taken. I think it is always good to have checks and balances with two mods in every forum, in case some have problems with me (plenty do), then at least they'll have someone else the communicate any problems to. I don't want anyone felt left out in the cold. We love all peeps here
Please allow humble former public servant to repeat words of long deceased public servant who say:
If nominated,I will not run.If elected,I will not serve.

Oh, and most honorable Giz, accent is Mandarin,although acknowledge is difficult to tell difference when speaking English.