
TiCobra's Avatar
eholiday's Avatar
Waste of public time & resources...
I remember bikini clad females during the gas rationing era in the 70's. You can't get ahead in small business America anymore. (Waiting on some HEAD jokes now!)
TiCobra's Avatar
I bet you could get a HEAD there lol...had to go there Nicolet...
SknyDiva's Avatar
I'm sure those girls were hotter than the coffee, but..... if they had a hot young stud in a speedo, I would be CUMMING back for lots more! A little more head on my capaccino, please!
(Volley to you, Ti!)
TiCobra's Avatar
oh I'm sure he'd be happy to give you an extra "shot" Nicolet...
You can't get ahead in small business America anymore. Originally Posted by Nicolet
Getting ahead is okay...but I prefer to be .........behind
getsum69's Avatar
Deep Dark And Delicious!!
Globespotter, that was better than a shot of espresso!
DallasRain's Avatar
when I lived in Oregon there were those coffee stands in every gas station parking lot! Now I wonder.............