Thanksgiving :)

Despite the negativity that seems to have gripped quite a few threads on the board, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you wonderful women for the work you do. I know us clients have our varied reasons for why we pursue the hobby, but it comes down to the amazing experiences you provide that keep us happy.

I hope all of you, clients and providers, enjoy this Thanksgiving weekend
What a sweet tribute, MrIntrepid! Thank you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Bahh! Humbug!! Oops wrong holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving giving to all you wonderful ladies, especially the ones who don't mind seeing me!!

Thanks for the reminder MrIntrepid
Indeed! Most of us are pretty damn fortunate.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving!!!


have a lovely, everyone.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Hope everyone has a Sweet day!!!!!
Jami-Lynn's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving friends!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
I'm so thankful to be apart of a community where I can express my sexuality and desire. Happy thanksgiving (:
and we are all glad to have you
Happy thanksgiving everyone.
cluefinder's Avatar
Indeed!! Happy Thanksgiving!!