To whom it may concern..

This is a public announcement so that there are no misconceptions and so that all are aware that this matter exists and will not be tolerated..

Vieux Carre, If you are going to hire ex-Elves at least have the courtesy of not stealing copyrighted images, you have exactly 24hrs to stop using our images and our firm name in your advertising or you will face way more legal issues than you already face currently. Tyler does not have legal rights to those images and our copyright has been removed. We will take legal action immediately if this doesnt stop. You may get away with that shit with Annie, but with us you will spend a long time in jail. As everyone knows and you should be aware, The Elves do not fear LE we embrace it and have no problem using LE to enforce laws on our behalf. 24hrs is all you will be given.

This is being posted in public for all to be aware that this agency has been warned, so that they know the risks in visiting any of their providers if they do not comply with this order. You are already in the middle of an investigation, do you really need to compound it?

There will be no pissing contest, nor will there be any negotiation. We released that young lady as an elf for a reason, however we see no reason in tarnishing her name for a wrong that you are commiting. Any Elf is always welcome to seek other management, however they are not permitted to use our images nor our firm name after they are no longer an elf.

There has always been a respect among the firms here at eccie, we dont poach girls, steal images nor misuse another firms name. This is your only warning on this issue, if you do it again, we will have your firm shut down completely. Do not test our ability to do so.

The previous is due to the following advertisement.

This is in no way meant against Tyler as she did well as an Elf and we only wish her the best in whatever directioon she chooses. We only hope that Vieux doesnt continue to tarnish this business nor the ladies in it with these bad business practices. It will not be tolerated by our firm or other firms that are now aligning to rid ourselves of this man and his pimping manners. We tried to stay neutral in the current influx of legal challenges this "agency" a term I use loosely, is in the midst of. We hope that all hobbiest take this as a wanring as to the lengths this pimp is willing to go and risks they are willing to take with the safety and reputation of impressionable young ladies.

Vieux, at least allow Tyler to contact her family and friends and let them know she is safe, as she has not done so and people are worried. If we have to inform someone of where she is and what she is doing, both your firm and she is in danger.

We would request that until this firm stops doing these rediculous displays of improper business practices, which are obvious and blatant to all, the eccie moderators suspend their account here.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 02-26-2012, 09:13 AM
Can you show actual proof that VCC is running these ladies against their will? There are red flags that I've noticed about VCC, but I've yet to see any actual proof except for agencies trying to help their ego with their glam pics that I've encountered are false advertising anyway. I retract whatever reviews I have written about providers with these 2 agencies and before either one wants to respond to me in whatever way, kiss my ass.
I will be going back to the fun of independent providers.
I'm sure the DA will make this a top priority.
So if someone is a former Keebler elf can they post that or does this only pertaine to Santas elves
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 02-26-2012, 10:21 AM
Does anyone have the number to the north pole? I wonder if St Nick owns rights to the name santa and elves, or does Coca Cola?
Outdoorsman's Avatar
First off no one goes to jail for copyright infringement, it is a civil suit, money damages. If you have problem with another agency throwing out threats is not the busines like manner to handle it IMHO. Annie got a quick response and the problem was solved, she never threatened jail, that is just ridiculous. If you are implying you will have the agenecy people arrested and/or outed due to other criminal activitites such as prostitution, it may be your account that needs to be disabled.

One also has to wonder with the 77uget8more posting and now this, is business that bad for the elves in this area? Threatening clients as well? Really?! That just makes me want to book VCC all the more. Is VCC taking that much business from you that idle threats have be thrown around? VCC must be doing something right. Kinda like when Wendy's came to town both McDonald's and Burger King started crap. I have pointed 77 and am warning you about the threats, I have banned Santa in past and allowed the gfegirls to remain, if we have to ban that one too we will. You can complain all you want about VCC, annie, me, or anyone else. It is not permitted to threaten, cut it out!
Is this a joke? You are seriously talking about an escort agency filing suit against another escort agency for copyright infringement? How in the world do you explain that to a federal judge?

Santa - "Your honor, I am the handler of the elves and VCC is using one of my pictures."
Judge - "The what?"
Santa - "Your honor, we are an escort agency named The GFE Girls and we are all over the country"
Judge - "Sir, you just realize you admitted in open court that you are committing a crime by violating the Mann Act"
Santa - silence
Judge - "Marshal, would you please arrest the plaintiff"
kindafun's Avatar
The mods are going to have to start wearing referee shirts and whistles. What a colossal waste of web space! Considering the OP was written at 3:03am the inane blabbering doesn't surprise me.
Is this a joke? You are seriously talking about an escort agency filing suit against another escort agency for copyright infringement? How in the world do you explain that to a federal judge?

Santa - "Your honor, I am the handler of the elves and VCC is using one of my pictures."
Judge - "The what?"
Santa - "Your honor, we are an escort agency named The GFE Girls and we are all over the country"
Judge - "Sir, you just realize you admitted in open court that you are committing a crime by violating the Mann Act"
Santa - silence
Judge - "Marshal, would you please arrest the plaintiff" Originally Posted by Stick1969
LMAO mann act?? man you all seriously missed the entire value of the posting, we aren't going to sue, we are going to close them down, and ANYONE who is involved or enables them. This bullshit will not be tolerated, we dont give a shit about eccie nor its pathetic 3% of our Louisiana income, what we do care about is anyone like this jackass Outdoorsman thinking he is somehow protected because of his affiliation with his local deputy.

The Elves have treated eccie and its members way better than we have been treated for far too long, and if eccie members are going to stand by and allow the admin here to enable a pimp to do this bullshit openly and assist in the pimps ability to do so, then Eccie can go to hell.
If I were you I would be more worried as to why your beloved VCC hasnt responded. Especially if you are a client of theirs.
popcorn anyone?
Outdoorsman show me the threat... if I do what I say its not a threat its a COLD HARD FACT! So stick those points right up your HPV ass!
man, I do not feel safe seeing your girls after reading the things you say. I'm afraid you'd give the police my info, or worse, try to kill me. you seem extremely violent, and I am a little worried about your pimp tactics that you're showing right here in front of our eyes