Monica Malone

Anyone tried monica malone. What is difference between VIP and 1hr
  • 50507
  • 02-25-2019, 02:51 PM
Anyone tried monica malone. What is difference between VIP and 1hr Originally Posted by almany
Haven't had the pleasure. But man she's hot!
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  • jtdhs
  • 02-25-2019, 07:13 PM
Haven't had the pleasure. But man she's hot! Originally Posted by 50507

Sorry, she explained the difference to me, but I forget what VIP is vs the other thing. Not sure if you get kissing with the other one. I got VIP, and I got kissing, but she was holding back. I didn't review because I didn't have the best time, but it wasn't her fault. The good news is she is even hotter in person than those pictures indicate. I mean she looks like a committee of dudes got together and drew a picture of what she should look like in a comic book and a big-budget Hollywood studio brought her to life. Face does not look like what you'd think from the blurry photographs. I'd say she resembles a young Susan Dey (do a google image search). Has a nice thin body with mm boobs (they're hard, BTW) and then her hips jut out suddenly - that's the perfect place for your hands
The bad news is I lost my boner and could not get it back. She will book back-to-back if she can, so, yeah, I had a 630-730 appointment and she had another guy coming in at 730. I think, especially at her rates, she needs to leave at least a 15 minute gap. Also, if I had finished at, say, 35 minutes into the appointment, she said she would have kicked me out right after that. No MSOG. She tried, but I think it was a bit of a mismatch - me and her. I just didn't get the feeling she wanted me there, and that she didn't enjoy her work or my company. I think maybe what it is is she's more PSE than GFE. If you're looking for a hot chick, and just want to get in and get it done, go see her.
Honestly and i'm going to be brutal I would pass. Saw her a year or two ago and it was mechanical and lots of rules. If I was to be completely honest i'm not sure she wasn't born a man. Like I walked out wondering. Everything about her is fake including her kitty.
damn man did you take vip or 1 hour and did it last for 1 hour
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  • jtdhs
  • 02-26-2019, 11:53 AM
If I was to be completely honest I'm not sure she wasn't born a man. Like I walked out wondering. Originally Posted by lprebel74
You might be on to something. Not impossible, but I'd be surprised. Usually the voice and the hands would give this away and I didn't see or hear anything that would be indicative. Then again, they're getting better and better at that - what with the state of hormone therapy today. There must be at least a couple guys who like her; she comes back to upstate NY every 3-4 months and she wouldn't do that if she didn't know she had a few prebookings waiting for her.
I saw her a few years back. Great time, no rush. I remember laying and talking for a while afterwards. She layed on my chest, and that was a first early in my hobby time. Though the appointment was late and I know I was the last one for her day.

Also, she was beautiful/hot but did look like she had work done.

I wrote a review and at the time I would recommend.
Hobby1750's Avatar
Oh, this is the thread I was referring to when discussing MikaelaMuse's birth gender. Looks I was mistaken between high-end 30+ providers. Any reviews of MikaelaMusa?
Saw she was just back in town. Anyone have a go? She opened up the menu at all???
Her post was the talk of twitter today!
Monica's dog ain't no apple cider in a dogs ass
Looks like she also DOXes clients on Twitter also. See Oct 6th
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Please mind the maturity of the threads

Thank You
The Dr
Looks like she also DOXes clients on Twitter also. See Oct 6th Originally Posted by straightshooter30
It’s a dude bro. I walked out.
i'm not sure she wasn't born a man. Like I walked out wondering. Originally Posted by lprebel74
It’s a dude bro. I walked out. Originally Posted by DrFalcon
It's so bad in Smallbany that you all are fuckin guys now?