I'm headed out of the country for 3 weeks to visit family living abroad, and I just wanted to express how much I enjoy the dialogs here in Another Realm. Particular tip of the hat to Elizabeth Whispers for being trail boss for this diverse group. I am so impressed that we can all talk openly about an incredible variety of things, many of which can only be discussed here or 1:1 with other habitues from time to time--and with incredibly little belittling or flaming of what anyone says.
For me the key aspect of kinky play is play. We get to have adventures, and dress up, and explore, and pretend, and make new friends, and have fascinating conversations and learn even more about our marvelous bodies and minds. What could be cooler than that?
One of my favorite quotes is from Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet most famous for his love poetry, but he also said this:
"A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who doesn't play has lost forever the child who lived in him and who he will miss terribly.” Or in the original Spanish: "El niño que no juega no es niño, pero el hombre que no juega perdió para siempre al niño que vivía en él y que le hará mucha falta."
My child is still alive and well within me. I hope that is true of all of you as well.
Very best wishes,