NY Times, Maureen Dowd, Souring on Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's getting bad when the hard core lefties start doubting you.


joe bloe's Avatar
Maureen Dowd has been in a bad mood ever since Michael Douglas dumped her and married Catherine Zeta Jones. I think he made a wise choice.
She is still a lefty.
She is still a lefty. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And you and Marshy are still Far, Far, Far Right Wing-Nuts!
Very interesting.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, most mainstream Democrats are gravely disappointed with Obama. It's a very common topic when we gather and talk. He's been very timid and non-confrontational in his policies. The area where we are most disappointed, of course, is health care reform. First, he had no bill. And the bill that the Democrats in the Senate cobbled together was as weak as well water. It did nothing to take insurance companies out of the system, thereby confronting the real problem that plagues our health care finance system. But he has been very cautious in his choices of Federal Judges, and has been extremely slow in nominating judges for the District bench and Courts of Appeal. His stimulus bill was incredibly timid and he wasted boatloads of money on non-stimulating tax cuts designed to attract Republican support when it was clear to anyone with a lick of sense that there was going to be little if any Republican support. And he had a real chance for serious financial reform by re-instituting Glass-Stegall and breaking up too-big-to-fail banks. But again, he dithered and lost all opportunity and got a "reform" that is almost worthless.

The Republican Party is now at it's most right leaning point in history and he has squandered a supreme opportunity to draw stark contrasts between progressive policies and reactionary policies. But instead, he simply runs around like a chicken with his head cut off and proposes reactionary lite. Just horrible wasted opportunities the likes of which I fear we'll never have again in my lifetime.

Even Ed Wallace thinks Obama's stimulus for GM and the Auto Industry was good and that the minimal growth we've had would have been non-existent or even more disastrous if Willard's suggestions had been followed.


The TPunk/Obstructionists have chosen not to create jobs and instead have decided to put every ounce of strength into being as contentious as possible. They have chosen to try as mightily as possible to defeat a centrist Obama OVER their sworn responsibility to help the country!

They have set a record many times over on threatened filibusters and forcing the 3/5th cloture votes!

Yes, they are skilled obstructionists and Obama has been FAR TOO conciliatory to their procedurally corrupt and paid-for asses.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obstructionism in opposition to fascism is no vice.
joe bloe's Avatar
Actually, most mainstream Democrats are gravely disappointed with Obama. It's a very common topic when we gather and talk. He's been very timid and non-confrontational in his policies. The area where we are most disappointed, of course, is health care reform. First, he had no bill. And the bill that the Democrats in the Senate cobbled together was as weak as well water. It did nothing to take insurance companies out of the system, thereby confronting the real problem that plagues our health care finance system. But he has been very cautious in his choices of Federal Judges, and has been extremely slow in nominating judges for the District bench and Courts of Appeal. His stimulus bill was incredibly timid and he wasted boatloads of money on non-stimulating tax cuts designed to attract Republican support when it was clear to anyone with a lick of sense that there was going to be little if any Republican support. And he had a real chance for serious financial reform by re-instituting Glass-Stegall and breaking up too-big-to-fail banks. But again, he dithered and lost all opportunity and got a "reform" that is almost worthless.

The Republican Party is now at it's most right leaning point in history and he has squandered a supreme opportunity to draw stark contrasts between progressive policies and reactionary policies. But instead, he simply runs around like a chicken with his head cut off and proposes reactionary lite. Just horrible wasted opportunities the likes of which I fear we'll never have again in my lifetime. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Sounds like you're dissapointed Obama hasn't been sufficiently communististic. Cheerup, if he gets re-elected he'll probably go completely berserk. The government will take ownership of everything and finally you liberals will be satisfied.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Sounds like you're dissapointed Obama hasn't been sufficiently communististic. Cheerup, if he gets re-elected he'll probably go completely berserk. The government will take ownership of everything and finally you liberals will be satisfied. Originally Posted by joe bloe
That's correct, comrade! I can't wait until they come for my three homes, the two small businesses that I own, or my farm. Not to mention my savings and investments!!! How did you know?

And while I'm very well off, I know quite a few colleagues who are much better off than I am. Like own your own jet (and not a fractional ownership) rich with second homes costing in the eight figure range. And they're all Democrats, too. So you're little fantasy that progressive politics is about either socialism or communism is really very amusing. But idle amusement aside, I wonder if you even believe it. I suppose it is possible to be that out of touch with reality, but it is difficult for me to conceive.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-07-2012, 04:30 AM
. But idle amusement aside, I wonder if you even believe it. I suppose it is possible to be that out of touch with reality, but it is difficult for me to conceive. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Of course he believes it. He believed that Iraq had something to do with 9/11.

The reason you have a hard time believing his paranoia is because you are not paranoid. These Tea Folks think paranoia is pragmatism.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Yes, they are skilled obstructionists and Obama has been FAR TOO conciliatory to their procedurally corrupt and paid-for asses.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
In Websters, under "procedurally corrupt", you'll find a picture of Odumbo, Pelosi and Reid.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
As long as he is President, I will continue to send him notices of his TEE times. The less he is around the less he can fuck up.
I am arranging another vacation for him soon.
He does not even have to attend the time-share presentation.