The Big Gulp is banned...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have yet to hear from our leftists here. Mayor Bloomberg, formerly a registered democrat, has banned table salt and transfats in New York City and now he has banned any sugary soft drink over 16 ounces (except for fruit juice and ice cream shakes). I would think that our local leftists would be singing his praises. I'm listening...

No? You don't think it is the responsibility of government to regulate our lives? Come on, admit it. This just shows up your failing philisophy. Cop to the charge and admit that you want to be controlled by government. I know that WTF, Lil Stephanie, and Louise would love to march around in their government supplied leather slave gear. They would feel empowered by having no power.
It gets worse; NJ has just passed a law requiring dog owners to use seat belts on Fido or face a $1,000 fine....

My advice, get your ass out of these Democratic infested socialist states and head west young man. Plenty of jobs, land, women, and freedom.

But leave your Utopian Statist ideas at the border.
And by comparison:

Oklahoma Governor signs Open Carry Law !!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless freedom.
I wonder why he made an exception for fruit juices and milkshakes since they are full of sugar. Mayhap he drinks them? What’s next super sizing? I don’t even eat fast food, but fast food restaurants should be legal. High Fructose Corn Syrup should be outlawed. Regulating people’s desire to be fat, tired, and sloths isn’t really legitimate.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I think there are a lot of people following your advice.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think we should ban liberals that weigh more that 32 ounces.
I wonder why he made an exception for fruit juices and milkshakes since they are full of sugar... Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I think the reasoning is to ban those large-size drinks that can be refilled so easily at the fountain.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's none of the government's business.
Beyond non of the government's business. If the cups don't fit at the fountain drink station, then the business owner's business. It's just stupid to spend tax payer dollars on regulating what is a tolerance issue at the fountain drink station if the fitting of the cup is the real issue.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn, Olivia, you have a GREAT ass! I hope that never gets banned!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First they wanted to limit my weapon's magazine and then they wanted to limit my Twinkie's transfats, then they wanted to limit my Big Gulp... what's next? Limit my hobbying?
joe bloe's Avatar
These bans on what we eat and drink are such a waste of tax dollars. The government needs to get back the basic stuff we pay them to do like prosecuting Roger Clemens for possibly lying about using steroids, vital stuff like that.
These bans on what we eat and drink are such a waste of tax dollars. The government needs to get back the basic stuff we pay them to do like prosecuting Roger Clemens for possibly lying about using steroids, vital stuff like that. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I think this is more of a ban on what can be served than on what can be drunk. The ordinance does not, as I understand, prohibit a New Yorker from consuming 32 ounces of soda. It prohibits the vendor from serving it in containers larger than 16 oz.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Still government over-regulation. It's ridiculous. At the same time, NY is relaxing its marijuana law enforcement.

Hmmm . . . Maybe Bloomberg is on to something after all.
COG - You're a sweetie

Why not regulate the poison of HFCS? Oh, it would interfere with the government supported, unprofitable mono-agricuclture. I guess the cradle to grave left is going to protect us from ourselves by regulating the size of a soda cup. It's easier than taking on corporate welfare and returning farms back to the family farm.