By Dana Loesch at Breitbart.com

Networks are calling the historic Wisconsin recall for Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch while final vote counts continue to roll in. This victory marks the third time the far left and Big Labor has been defeated at the polls since Obama's inauguration. If ever there was a referendum on public sector unions and the President's idea of how government should work, it was with this election. If ever there was a measure of the muscle of the tea party movement, let it be judged by this election.

The tea party led the way, got out the vote, and raised massive amounts of money for the recall candidates. I visited Wisconsin twice to help rally voters and was amazed at the ground game of the Wisconsin tea party groups. I was amazed at the effort of folks like Nancy Milholland, a rock-n-roll tea partier with AFP, who helped coordinate with local grassroots. I met a tea partier named Tamra Varebrook who ran a legitimate race as a "Walker Democrat" in Racine County, the hotly contested race where embattled Van Wanggaard fought to help hold the state Senate's Republican majority. I was up there just this past Saturday when 4,000 patriots filled a field in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin, on the outskirts of Milwaukee. They were energized, engaged, and ready to make their voices heard at the polls.

Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said in Detroit: "President Obama, this is your army ... let's take these sons of bitches out."

So much for that.

While Occupiers and union protesters got the ink, the tea party dropped the placards and picked up clipboards, phones, and got out the vote. They petitioned, volunteered, they took out a number of RINOs, including Dick Lugar; they forced Orrin Hatch into a primary and got Ted Cruz into a runoff. We won the House for the GOP in 2010. We won MA for Scott Brown. And now we've sent a message to the White House via Wisconsin: your class warfare rhetoric is rejected, your public sector construct voted down --again.

The stage is set. Obama was denied a campaign talking point in Wisconsin. The first generation of reform governors has been protected by voters. Debbie Wasserman Schultz called Wisconsin a "dry run" for November. Indeed it is.

Get ready.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not certain but is this Palin-3 and Obama-0 or do we count each race as a victory;
Palin-7, Obama-0?
Derangement syndrome on MSNBC:

Watch the anchors, claim Obama the big winner in the recall vote..........


I look forward to analysts picking apart the exit polling data. They had the Wisconsin vote wrong early on (claiming exit polls showed the vote within the margin of error; or Walker losing), which means the polling is based on faulty data. Voters are possibly lying to pollsters, or their survey is heavily weighted to Democrats. But in the meantime it's fun to watch these Obamazombies !

The evening of November 6th may turn MSNBC into the "Seppuku" Network.
LexusLover's Avatar
...which means the polling is based on faulty data. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
or wishful thinking.

The danger is early high-fiving and complacency in the next 5 months. This will be a close race, so if one criticizes polls ... beware of all of them.
I think elections overpower polls; and Wisconsin was a major powerplay for the Tea Party ! The TP will be more energized, more organized, better funded than prior elections. But your right, best to be realistic.

However, I bet the exit polling data is seriously flawed.
Not only in Wisconsin.

Two major cities in California voted to reduce the extravagant retirement benefits for unions.

By an overwhelming majority the taxpayers said enough to public sector collective bargaining agreements that are bleeding them to death. They cut lucrative public sector union benefits.

One of Barrett's supporters slapped him in the face for conceding whilst ballots were still being cast.
the jig is up calling for increased government spending as if it was for poor people or the needy when all along it was to protect unionism and their excessive benefits and the corresponding campaign contributions back to democrats

the people cannot be fooled any longer

retirement after 20 years when the private sector works 40 to pay their taxes- no more

misleading claims of "for the children" or one recent claim by a fire department union in their ghost campaign for more benefits telling voters that the issue was keeping a fire department

the recent GSA scandal exposed the fluff and fat and waste and abuse in these "spend it all to get an increase next year budgets". One thing i found new to me was the handing out of "bonuses" to these government workers. while all along i thought they were paid according to some civil service gs number thing with step increases as they moved up the scale. who knew they got all the paid holidays, all the paid vacations, the great benefits and retirement and insurance, the however many months of sick leave sell back at retirement, the no pressure slow down work day, and on top of all that BONUSES (not to mention the parties).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-06-2012, 03:53 PM
or wishful thinking.

The danger is early high-fiving and complacency in the next 5 months. This will be a close race, so if one criticizes polls ... beware of all of them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Exactly right.

But IMHO Walker won because the the economy was doing good in his state. If it is still doing ok in 5 months, Obama will win that state. Obama thought the recall was a bad idea and that proved to be true although I believe that the Dem's won back the Senate there. A small victory for them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A small victory indeed, since the Wisconsin Senate will not be back in session until after the next election. Pretty much a wasted recall on the Senate level.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-06-2012, 05:14 PM
A small victory indeed, since the Wisconsin Senate will not be back in session until after the next election. Pretty much a wasted recall on the Senate level. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It was a wasted recall in the Gov race too!

Pretty much why Obama did not want any part of it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah what is up with the economy in the state of Wisconsin doing good under conservative leadership?
That state should be in the toilet under conservative leadership.
It must be Bush's fault.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2012, 07:34 PM
if you signed the recall petition you dont have to vote.

if you signed the recall petition you dont have to vote.

They did not say you don't have a vote. They said you have a cunt.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2012, 07:47 PM
swift boaters were really stooping ...

or was it the birthers ...