Forget the polls.

Want to know if the Obama's think they are going to get a 2nd term, follow Michelle's travel and entertainment schedule. If she ramps up her lavish travel and entertainment schedule this summer (Michele and the kids), then the Obama's know their out in November.

It's a small price to pay; despite Americans suffering, let her eat cake.

joe bloe's Avatar
Forget the polls.

Want to know if the Obama's think they are going to get a 2nd term, follow Michelle's travel and entertainment schedule. If she ramps up her lavish travel and entertainment schedule this summer (Michele and the kids), then the Obama's know their out in November.

It's a small price to pay; despite Americans suffering, let her eat cake.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
She's eating OUR cake.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-06-2012, 11:39 AM
And I think in November the american public is going to present them with a big shit sandwich to chow down on...LOL. let them eat that...!!!!!
Iaintliein's Avatar
I hope someone inventoried the silverware before they arrived. Remember all the missing stuff when Bill and Hildabeast left?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't worry about ole Barry and Michelle. I'm sure that they already have an inked contract in the desk drawer for the $100 million post presidential victory tour. Right next to the pardons and the real birth certificate (lol)
FUCK, Come on Nov 7th...tomorrow it's 150 day's till...
II, keep it saved up for your week of passion with Michelle in Nov, it won't be treason then to fuck the ex first lady. I want your balls to be hitting the ground when you bed her.
All the O s from the keyboards missing.

He's gonna make out like a bandit from all the Presidential pardons. Although BHO won't have the lengthy speaking engagements at $100K a pop like Slick Willie did but he'll make up for it by replacing Barbara Walters on "The View."