Lockdown cock down

I'm tired of the lock down cock down. Need to open some doors, open some legs, open some throats. My hands are getting tired!

Has the industry taking as big of a hit as every other or are people still wrestling?
Pretty sure everything is down except for pizza delivery and grocery stores. A lot of people have lost their jobs or are furloughed and the hobby doesn't exactly mesh well with social distancing on top of that.
I can’t speak for the industry, but I’m certainly not. All of my reliable alibis to get out long enough to have some fun are invalid right now. With work from home for me and the SO, there’s just no way to get out. The most I can muster is a couple of hours on Saturday afternoons, if that.

Which is a shame now that Rachelina is touring the area.
I can’t speak for the industry, but I’m certainly not. All of my reliable alibis to get out long enough to have some fun are invalid right now. With work from home for me and the SO, there’s just no way to get out. The most I can muster is a couple of hours on Saturday afternoons, if that.

Which is a shame now that Rachelina is touring the area. Originally Posted by JoeNegative
Right on Joe. I love Rachelina, one of my ATFs that I always see when she's here, but not this time. I'm not concerned about infection, just can't leave because the SO and I are both home. I'd be hitting my regulars and some new ones I want to try, if everyone was at work. This shit is really cramping my style.
Joe. I'm in the same boat. Dont have a good excuse to get out of the house. Doesn't take that long to go to the store and really use that excuse. Anyone else have a good excuse to leave the house without drawing too much suspicion?
I would suggest cabin fever and picking up the honey do list or look at your house and start making those repairs top priority
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Joe. I'm in the same boat. Dont have a good excuse to get out of the house. Doesn't take that long to go to the store and really use that excuse. Anyone else have a good excuse to leave the house without drawing too much suspicion? Originally Posted by ReeceMcneal
With gyms closed do you ever do any exercise outside of the house (5 mile power walk/jog, bike, hike)? That might be a decent excuse to get you out of the house upwards of 2hrs.
I do that 2-3 times a week.
KerryHutchins's Avatar
Interesting reading and relating to Climax and Reece. Same here. Stuck indoors at home with a wife or SO and arguing and feeling stuck. Barring a long trip to get groceries that includes a car visit in the corner of the parking lot with a willing girl, (But the lines were horrible, honey!), I'm thinking there are some other opportunities, especially with warmer weather upon us.

Kynsley has a great idea. Work up a list for that mile long "Honey Do" list. Gotta get paint, 2x4s, mulch, etc, etc. This could stretch out over several trips! Stuff the wife would hate to go to the hardware stores with you for. And, of course, not just one store will have it all. Have to spend the whole damn morning running around. "Honey, you wouldn't believe how much of everything is sold out. I had to drive all the way to Adel for xyz. And even theydidn't have it. They told me to try again next week!"

Or when you're out to the store - just text that you're out for some extra fresh air and to "get away" for a whileas well to maintain a little matrimonial harmony. Otherwise you're going to strangle each other from such close proximity. Or that you need to vent a little after that last big argument. She would probably welcome that anyway. Then head for your appointment.

With the warm weather coming, I'm going to be out bicycling thetrails. OK, for part of the time, anyway. Or so I'll say. Who plays golf? There's an excuse to get out. How about taking up fishing? Go to Walmart and get a cheap-ass $15 rod and reel and say you're heading out to dosome fishing. Have a woodsy at a secludededge of the lake / river. Might even enjoy the fishing. Say you are going to have lunch with an old workpal at some park picnic table and catch up on things and bring your own take-out. Then meet at the hotel or her place. Got a van or big SUV? Hell, even a VW. Be a teenager again and rock the shocks in the parking lot. Or how about, "Hmm. Jeez, honey, I hope that shimmy in the steering wheel isn't something serious. I'll let you know what the car dealer says." That's worth two or three hours!

Just brain storming. There have to be a lot more excuses to get out.
Sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat. I agree about Rachelina. I hate to miss that, but no way to get out of the house.
Happy I have a motorcycle.