What is up with Birmingham???

DallasRain's Avatar
Dammit it has been a helluva LONGGGGGGGGGG day.....
What is up with Birmingham???

I have posted EVERYWHERE for over 2 weeks that I was coming....so i get a couple appts,cool! Then an hour before my first appt,the dude send me a text saying "since I have not heard back from you,I assumed we did not have an appt set.....so I had stuff come up at work & will be having to take care of that anyways"
{I had sent emails from the time we set the appt a few days ago and even sent him a confirm email last nite late with general locale}}
He says he has not checked his emails lately!

{Dude what the f*ck ....you know you have an appt coming up...why would you NOT keep a check on things??}

I sat in my hotel ALL day with nothing to do but play with myself...................after 10pm,I start getting my "chill" on and HAVE to watch John Stewart!

Now in the last TEN MINUTES,I have had over 6 emails asking for an appt here!
{I am leaving in the morning....ALL my ads state that...how the hell can you decently get a reference check this late & this quick at nite?}

I even said to myself that I was going to take Birmingham off my tour list....I had an overwhelming response from Huntsville though}
PAPA JOE's Avatar
sorry babe, it's their loss.

i wish i had been there ... you wouldn't have had to play with yourself ....

you and Nic have a ball in Huntsvegas !!!
wished there was a section for a list of NCNS (partial phone numbers or usernames) for providers. That list would be QUICK and easy. Moderators could make sure it was legit with provider sending them copies of the emails and texts. It would help stop the BS and providers wouldn't have to do private messages.
sorry baby dee
I'm Sorry D! I've noticed that some guys need daily contact in order to keep the appt! I guess some of them need hand holding!
I asked Nic to give me a call if ya'll get some free time in Huntsville today! I would love to meet you while you're here!
Have fun and be safe!!
drsmooth1's Avatar
That's what frustrates me about Bham, we don't seem to know talent when it's right in front of us. You're not the first to have this experience Dee, and it's why we get so little talent to come our way.
I've seen too many providers that have told me that they had sat in their room with little or no response and yet the BP bottom feeders stay busy.
Go figure.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
I asked Nic to give me a call if ya'll get some free time in Huntsville today! I would love to meet you while you're here!

Kimber Originally Posted by Kimberlee

TRIPLE DAYUM !!!!!! you THREE together !!!!!! i wish i could be there !!

you ladies have a ball !!!
Birmingham is off my list if they can't act right..thanks for the info lil dee
DallasRain's Avatar
Now I am getting alot of calls from Birmingham...now it is too late...I got frustrated so I went to Huntsville! Arrgggghhhh!!!
harveyswartz's Avatar
Birmingham is off my list if they can't act right..thanks for the info lil dee Originally Posted by Anita Lay
How can you disparage a whole city because one guy cancelled ?? thats pretty FU'ed .... I took a vacation day on Thursday to see her and she cut out Wednesday and Thursday... shit happens on both sides ,, Am I suppose to be pissed off at ALL girls from Texas now ??? of course not,, she didn't get the response she wanted,, that happens ,, but don't tear down the whole city,, it certainly wont help get a better response next time....
DallasRain's Avatar
I cut back my schedule because I did not get enough response to stay that many days.....also alot of the guys who asked me to tour there,once I arrived,could not see me for various reasons.....I cannot afford to sit in a hotel room and not make money to cover expenses...

{I had to pay for two hotel rooms in two different cities for one night just so I could accomadate his appt}

Yes i did have you express interest,but you were the ONLY one....and I got a great 3 hour appt in Huntsville that wanted to prebook the same day! I apologize babe,but a traveling provider has to go where the money is...I really hope to meet you another time.
[hope you understand....it takes alot of expense to tour}

Maybe I will try another time in the future

A Special thanks to the ONE GREAT GUY I did get to meet...you were awesome!!!
Kymbra's Avatar
I Love Birmingham, and Im rocking and rolling here. No idea whats up with your guys, but I am having to turn them away. Im exhausted. Thats really too bad though, I find these guys are much higher class than in Hville. And big tippers. And I fly in utr, no mass ads anywhere, and just hit up the ones I have seen before who requested notification of my passing through. Guess as with every town it is a hit or miss. No need for other ladies to slam these men, it can be very lucrative if you play your cards right.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--well no wonder babe...your rates are so very low... cause you only do massage

{alot of the guys who did call me,tried to get halfhours at full service....there is no profit in that}

I believe I give a great quality session at the lowest donation possible without becoming a "cum dumpster"....so if i lowered my donation anymore,I would have to lower my service level....and that is not what I comfortable with
Kymbra's Avatar
Oh I know, just saying its a hit or miss. I wouldnt do full service, and never at my massage rate. I did notice an influx of women who were cheaper than you for the same services. I turn down many looking for more who try to get it all at my rate. I take it as an insult to think I would sell myself that cheap. Im sure if you offered the variety including massage here you would do well. It would have filled that time you sat in the hotel and covered your expenses. I have a friend that does and she makes bank doing a combo
DallasRain's Avatar
Oh I know, just saying its a hit or miss. I wouldnt do full service, and never at my massage rate. I did notice an influx of women who were cheaper than you for the same services. I turn down many looking for more who try to get it all at my rate. I take it as an insult to think I would sell myself that cheap. Im sure if you offered the variety including massage here you would do well. It would have filled that time you sat in the hotel and covered your expenses. I have a friend that does and she makes bank doing a combo Originally Posted by Kymbra
I don't think there are any REPUTABLE girls offering anywhere near what I offer at a lower donation than mine,.... Read my reviews and correct me if I am wrong please.
{I do not know many who offer prostate play/strap on play/and the fetish play I do without "charging extra"}

As far as what I offer...I come with what brought me...if the Bama guys are not interested in the type of services I offer,then they should not ask me to come!

I think you are a sexy lady ....and am not dogging you for what you do or your donation....I was just saying that there is no comparison between our services.....I am glad you do well here!!
Kymbra's Avatar
Oh Ive read your reviews, and theres no comparison in services at all, your an awesome lady. Just saying if you offer what I do here to fill the time, or pay expenses being slow on the FS end wouldnt leave you losing money.

And as far as the "cheaper" ladies, well as my mom always said "a hole is a hole" and some men will put it in anything. I dont get it either, but I think from what I see are agencies and pimps promoting crackheads. Some guys just want cheap, and those are the ones that you and I and those like us do not see.

And you should charge extra for fetish and strap on, Ill have to send them your way in the future since I do get requests for some crazy stuff. I just giggle, and try to keep a straight face. Those guys need an expert like you, Im not really into that.

Thank you for the sexy comment, Im trying lol. Your a sexy woman yourself, maybe we can meet up one day if our paths cross, Id like to get your input on fetish sessions and such since Ive not really dabbled in it.