View Question - Bold Subject Text

OldGrump's Avatar
I'm curious: Some of the subjects in a topic appear in bold. What conditions activate that switch?

Just trying to enhance my viewing pleasure... uh knowledge.

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
look at the top of the edit screen, and you will see a B in the toolbar. highlight the text you want in bold and click on that B. just like microsoft word and other editors. the I does italics, the U underlines stuff.

you can also do it manually using bracketed tags, as I did in this post.

i think this is what you are asking, but not sure.

OldGrump's Avatar
Thanks. My question wasn't about creating posts - it was about viewing topics. Ie: go to Independent Provider Reviews and look at the listed reviews. Some are bold, most are not. I was just curious what changes the view. It's not a problem, I just like to know how things work. They aren't always bold. I assume it has something to do with current viewers. Just have free time on my hands :-)
GneissGuy's Avatar
Are you talking about the fact that newer posts are in bold and older ones aren't? That has to do with the way vBulletin keeps track of "read" vs. "unread" posts.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i think it's not just read vs unread, but i may be wrong. seems some go 'unbold' after a certain amount of time too, whether you have read them or not. maybe a mod can clarify this.

GneissGuy's Avatar
vB doesn't really track read vs. unread. It appears to make a time stamp as "the last time you were caught up" and considers everything after that as unread no matter whether you have actually read it or not.

Go to the main page and click on "Mark forums read" near the bottom or just click this:

Do the bold threads become unbold?
OldGrump's Avatar
vB doesn't really track read vs. unread. It appears to make a time stamp as "the last time you were caught up" and considers everything after that as unread no matter whether you have actually read it or not.

Go to the main page and click on "Mark forums read" near the bottom or just click this:

Do the bold threads become unbold? Originally Posted by GneissGuy
That made them unbold. Now I'll have to wait for a new bold one & see if it goes unbold when I read it. Good excuse to salivate over new reviews.