Encounter: Re-Post: Victoria @ HDS... Definitely "Similar" in Appearance to Jessi (Korean Hip Hop Rapper)

DextersLab's Avatar
Date: 3/4
Name: Victoria
Phone: You'll Get It Once Screened
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.hotdreamselect.com/
City: Addison
State: Texas
Address: Addison Area
Activities: DFK, MPCFS, MSOG (offered - couldn't seal the deal), BBJ, HJ
Hair Length and Color: Long brown-ish hair, slight orangish but safe to say brown/orange color
Age: 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Someone posted earlier that Victoria looks similar to Jessi who is a Korean Hip Hop artist and I can see the resemblance. I wouldn't say they are exactly the same in proportion/body but there is definitely some resemblance for sure.

She is about 5'3 to 5'4 and definitely has some right curves to her. Shaved kitty with definitely a toned body. She doesn't have the biggest chest (B's) but definitely makes up for it in another areas.
Recommendation: Yes
Great review! Gotta get back into the HDS habit again. This girl sounds fantastic. Kissing your neck with a lubed up L1 for a msog? Hell yeah.
Stevensegal's Avatar
Good recon.
I was bitten/kissed by the Victoria love bug. I'm hooked
Finman22's Avatar
Good recon
Chung Tran's Avatar
I was bitten/kissed by the Victoria love bug. I'm hooked Originally Posted by Monster Truck
She pulled the trigger of my Love Gun


Going to make sure my Concealed Carry permit stays current!
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
I saw Victoria and was in heaven for the hour
grail's Avatar
  • grail
  • 03-30-2022, 09:47 PM
I saw Victoria and was in heaven for the hour Originally Posted by David Hasselhoff
Mind blowing commentary at its best. Oh and yet another shameless bump.