Romantic Dinners

Fast Gunn's Avatar
On the big screen or in novels, having a romantic dinner before having sex seems to be the order of the day.

However, it is really a good idea?

Personally, I think it makes as much sense as a boxer having dinner before stepping into the ring for a match, but maybe the ladies have a different perspective on this question.

. . . What do you think?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im not much on the dinner thing but one of the best and most memorable times I had was ... .Playtime....nice dinner ....playtime or should i say desert
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I imagine a provider must be really low volume in order to go the dinner route before her sessions and still retain her girlish figure!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
My reasons for not being into the dinner thing is because I dont do public. I prefer the discreet route as its just how I'm most comfortable
In a bigger city Im sure a lot would love the dinner thing.
I used to see one young lady and I would provide breakfast or a light snack each time we saw each other.

A simple light meal before, or during a break between romps always seem to work well. A large meal is not so good I would think.

(And for you guys who like the face-fuk to point of puke, well, doesn't sound like a good idea to me.)
i am with you....
Im not much on the dinner thing but one of the best and most memorable times I had was ... .Playtime....nice dinner ....playtime or should i say desert Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Houston may not be as large as New York or Los Angeles, but any way that you slice it, Houston is still a big city!

. . . Just how big do you want it girl?
In addition dinner before or after allows more of a connection and increases the seduction and sensuality to a date as well as more intense flirting and foreplay
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've seen a lot of websites for providers who offer a dinner date option. A lot of the gals describe it as an hour on the town and an hour of BCD activities. I have a problem with this on several levels. First, a dinner at a nice restaurant is going to take more than an hour. Unless you consider McDonalds romantic, I consider a nice dinner to take at a minimum 90 minutes-- and that doesn't include travel time to and from the restaurant. I think the only way this would work is if eating at a restaurant that is literally a 2 minute walk from where BCD activities will occur. So, it might work in Manhattan but not in suburbia America. Second, I think most clients can't afford to be seen dining or in public with another woman-- particularly one who is most likely to be very attractive. Talk about awkward moment if you bump into a business colleague or worse-- a friend of your SO. Even if hobbying out of town, you still run the risk of being outed. Third, I find this to be more costly. You not only are paying a multi hour rate (for which you only get 1 hours BCD), but you as the client will most likely be paying for the provider's dinner as well. I'm sure there is a segment of hobbyists that this would appeal to, but I doubt the average hobbyist will indulge. The closest I'd come to doing this is to book a multi hour date and if a time out is needed to re-energize, I'd call room service.
roscoe14850's Avatar
I like the dinner package; a liilttle appetizer, the dinner out, then back for a big dessert! Don't eat to much for dinner, save your appetite for dessert ;-)
I say dinner after the BCD. That way you build up your hunger .
Ive done the dinner bit a few times. Always off the clock. It worked great. A couple of times I also brought carry out, this in a smaller city.

No formula works in all situations.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-08-2011, 02:14 PM
I have always enjoyed immensely time spent with a lady that included a romantic dinner in addition to everything else.

The lady did as well.
This hobby is about sex, and the illusion of romance. Dinner is just more money for the provider.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I agree!

There is NO such thing as a two hour "dinner date". For what you just described I offered a clock-free package. My clocKfree package was REALLY clock free ( a bit different from most ladies idea of a clock free date). During a clock free date with me, the client could do whatever he wanted (as long as it was within limits of course). If he wanted to BCD all day then go out to the beach, go shopping, BCD time some more and then dinner and more BCD time this was the package for it. We would spend the whole day together without worrying about going over time. My time, my focus was on him. Pleasuring him both physically and mentally making him forget he was paying for a service was the goal.

Your privacy comment was quite interesting. I found that a lot of my clients wanted to "show me off" so we would go out of town, get a room together and go clubbing or whatever else. One guy even took me out in his hometown and straight up told me "I don't care if I get caught". He was at the end of his rope with his marriage.

So OP to answer your question I love a good meal before sex! However, don't expect me to stay up and cuddle if you feed me before sex. To those that say "Dinner is more money for the provider" I have had dinner with a few of my clients off the clock before a session. Off the clock or Paid doesn't matter. I hardly ever turn down a delicious meal! I love food!