Providers over 50 ?

Ive got some years to go, but I was wondering how sucessful providers over 50 are.

I have a friend who is pretty and petite, long blonde hair, but she thinks no one would want a 53 year old.

*Ladies if you are a 50 + provider do you get enough QUALITY bookings to live comfortably? or do you need a regular job too?
I dont mean the young jokers looking for a quick bang with an older woman.

would you say you have
1-2 bookings a week?
3-4 ?
4 or more- and age makes no difference

thank you, Im really curious.
please no rude or flaming comments
I think the over 40/ over 50 providers typically fall into three categories.

1. Ladies who have no other plan in life, who either have been in the industry for a while and never managed to save up enough to escape, have no idea how to do so, and just keep going through the motions or who stumbled in and can't find their way out. (Most pimp/managed ladies would fall into this category as well, but most managers are not going to keep a product on the shelf for that long a period of time.)

2. Ladies who have a plan. Maybe they have met their plan, and just enjoy meeting new perverts, have old perverts they would miss if they walked away, and who typically may have a real word job but they play in this world for the extra money, vacations, etc.

3. Ladies who had a plan, the plan was looking good, then the economy crashed, some tragedy hit them, wiping out their nest egg, etc. and they fall back on this line of work to make ends meet.

Probably the worse thing about these three categories are the ladies who fall under category one but who think they had a plan which tragedy in the form of their everyday life has pushed them into a category three.

Should a 53 year old lady who has never been in this industry think about jumping in with both feet and letting it support her for the foreseeable future? I think that would not be wise.

Could an attractive 53 year old lady who enjoys sex and men find herself successful in this industry? Sure.

What are the chances of success? Probably less than 1 in 10 could enter this world at 53 and not either fail or implode.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I started at 48 and thought that at first (I just turned 52) , and boy was I WRONG! As with everything, there is a market for all kinds, be it age,size, or whatever. I think its more about the person anyway. Trust me, there is a HUGE market for mature so I think your friend would do just fine, I have appts already set for 2013 if that tells you anything lol

If your friend needs advise, I'm happy to help
Shit I'm gonna be 45 and I plan to work til my mortgage is paid off, and I'm 75% of the way there. I don't kid myself that a 22 year old blonde gets more business than me, but that isn't my concern. My clients are loyal regulars that are my bread and butter and I believe older, mature women know how to keep their regulars. Believe it or not many men do not want young and dumb, and in my ads I clearly state if that is what they are looking for they won't find it here. I do just fine and I plan to do this for another five years til I OWN my house outright and keep adding to my IRA account.

There's a woman named Aunt Peg who is in her 60's and she banks big time!

As long as I look younger than my age I have no problem working. Plus I also have another job and tha helps to break up the monotony of just working as an escort. It keeps me in tip top shape. And I definitely do not thimk I look anywhere near 45.
As a almost semi retired only seeing my reg type provider, here's my 2 cents.

I didn't start until 49 and when it was suggested to me by a gentleman friend I laughed and said I am almost 50...he said " you'll be surprised" and I was pleasantly surprised.. Plus I am a BBW so I was sure no one would want a bigger women. "he said you be surprised... and I was.

So after 6 years of doing this here's my take on it. First and foremost ECCIE is not always the place to ask. because the majority on here are geared more toward the younger providers,

But Tiger is right about why to be in the biz to a degree. How ever I have found for many of my clients in my play group age it is about more than just the physical. Many are looking for a real connection however temporary. Some real talk and some real laughs. The gents in my age group often lament that the young gals can't even carry on a convo about current affairs or know much about recent history much less anything else. The don't want to mention Gilligan's Island and have the girl say "what". Now I mean no insult to younger ladies I certainly know nothing about rap and very little about texting. hell my thumbs don't even work like

Personally I chose this because I wanted more time to devote to things I enjoyed... ( family , travel, friends) as opposed to working a mainstream 60-70hr a week job like I had for over 20yrs. I chose this because I love the company of men and men in general and except them how they are. I chose this because I am an independent educated (two degrees) women that doesn't believe that what I do defines me, but mostly I believe what I do is as important as many other professions. I bring joy and comfort to people in need.

It doesn't matter what age you decide to be in this profession it is all about what you make of it.
I can honestly say I have never seen a client that I didn't want to see or seen someone just for the money. I never let money be the deciding factor.
So keep you day job slowly build a repeat business and most of all have fun.
Oh am if you need help with marketing or just wanna chat I AM YOUR GAL!
I beg to differ with you Tigercat! While catagory three would describe my entry, I have EXCEEDED my goal and have found that I truly LOVE hobbying! I realized I was doing things all wrong! Giving it away 'free' and going broke! I love the freedom it affords me, I have the time to get things done, and no, shopping is NOT one of those things. I also like the freedom of not answering to anyone, I thoroughly enjoy being a single woman. Do I think about having a relationship in the future? Sure I do, but its not high on my priority list, for now.
I am quite happy with 1-2 a week, or more. I'm a frisky old broad! Oh yeah, I'm 54 and still pretty darn hot!
I can definetely say that a gentleman can still find a woman over 50 beautiful and sexy! It would be nice if some of us men over 50 could be as attractive. A provider friend suggested to me that a lady nearer my age could be very good for me as a relatively new person to the activities. I was so impressed with the friendliness I encountered. And she was incredibly nice with a youthful fun loving spirit. It may not be appropriate here to mention the specific lady on this thread but she does post often and always has a fun and humorous outlook on life. Simple answer is Yes! Some men may immensely enjoy the company provided by the over 50 lady! I did! I even drove over 4 hours to meet her! I will admit that I have enjoyed visits with under 50 ladies as well that are the nicest people I know!
G-MILFS!! Love em!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I can say that as a 50 years YOUNG provider,I do quite well!

Like sexy SNL says---it is about the lady/her personality and outlook on life!

I enjoy what I do and who i do....simple as that!!
LaStang's Avatar
To this date the best experience i ever had in the 8 years of hobbying has been with a 50 yr old ... and that was 8 yrs ago . I was still in my 30's at the time and at 50 she wore me out !
I'm a 45 and young. I came to do this just for what I need to take care of in the next few years. I have my retirement set aside. I have my business established and have been doing very well with my most wonderful regulars clients. I only count on having at least 3-4 appts a week. I don't shop til drop. I don't owed any credit card debt. I had been very lucky that my health is in a good condition, strong heart and lung.. My sensual side of me has never been better. I came out of the seashell and exploring my sensuality and playfulness! I love to please and I know how to do it best. My clients prefer a mature lady like me and they are older mature gentlemen that I love to please. My young clients are 26-late 30's are wonderful as well.
I have other profession that I do but it doesn't involve this hobby so, I don't get confuse about it and this is not the end of the road for me.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I was 47 when I started, and am 53 now. The Hobby has given me opportunities to explore the world a bit, as well as my sensuality, that I never would have had otherwise. It is possible to be a provider with no other means of supportand get those "quality bookings to live comfortably," but it takes time to build a reputation and a following. I see 3-4 gentlemen a week for multi-hour appointments, usually. I enjoy what I do 99% of the time as an escort, and I have also found it rewarding to be a companion, confidant, and stimulant to some gentlemen, giving them not only a lust for ME, but a lust for life again after they had lost it. Like MM said, it's not all about the money.

However, I want to be realistic for your friend and not sugarcoat things: it gets harder as ladies age to attract and maintain a steady clientele, and there are a lot more mature ladies in the profession now or returning to it than there were when I started. She should make this a side job, not her only source of income.

But assure her that just because she's 53 doesn't mean she won't be wanted. She has to market herself properly, or let someone do it for her.
Thank you for the honest answers , it does help.
and Damn Dallas I didnt know you turned 50! you have one sweet booty!
all the mature ladies look great here
I'm 37 and after being with two providers in their 40's, both of whom put it on me, I can't see going back. Something about the sensual maturity of a woman in her 40's and up that is intoxicating. Not to mention they know what men like and they know what they like as well.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thank you for the honest answers , it does help.
and Damn Dallas I didnt know you turned 50! you have one sweet booty!
all the mature ladies look great here Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS

thanks sugar! [I miss ya!}

I think I am just a natural born I am gonna go till i can't go no more!
{well I guess i will stop when my titties start dragging the}