Which is the best for email?

I have been using yahoo for my email, personal and otherwise, for many years. And I was happy with the ease of use and the IM. But when they "upgraded" to a newer version, I found it to be difficult to navigate, emails load slower than molasses in January, and the IM feature just plain sucks. When I first tried the upgraded version and found I didn't like it, yahoo was kind enough to let me go back to the classic. I recently opened a new yahoo account and have been trying to deal with it for about a month and asked for the new account to be changed to the classic and they will not do it.
I have tried gmail and in my opinion, its worse than the new yahoo. When I expand a message, it overlaps with other messages making it difficult to read.
My question to you kind people is this, which email provider works best for you?
pyramider's Avatar
Smoke signals and drumning works best for me.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I still use Yahoo classic. The new version is too much like Outlook, which I can't stand.
plainjoe's Avatar
For the hobby, I use HUSHMAIL. Like several verification sites, they are based in Canada (unlike Yahoo and Gmail) where the messages are scanned for key words. Messages are also encrypted between HUSHMAIL users and can also be encrypted between HUSHMAIL and non-HUSHMAIL users. There are others in the market, so do you research and good luck!
Thanks plainjoe, I'll look into hushmail.
It may sound lame, but I got very comfortable with the old yahoo. Had the 'progress' been an actual improvement, I would be a happier camper. But when it takes 60 seconds to delete 5 letters, that is pretty damn slow. Or worse still, 2 minutes to log out, SHEESH!

Oh and 3 sides, my sick and twisted love...... I broke the friggin skin on my drum trying to bang out an email!
I like aol.
Its simple
I use Yahoo for my hobby email mainly because I've had the account for several years. I agree with you that I don't like the new user interface.

I use gmail for my personal email and it takes a little getting used to because of the way it places responses on top of each other. But once you get used to it there are some advantages as it keeps your inbox looking cleaner.
Jannisary's Avatar
I had avoided switching from classic yahoo but eventually did when it just seemed like the classic version was not working right for me anymore. I kept a couple extra yahoo accounts I seldom use as "classic" but now all my accounts have been updated to the latest "new" mail. I don't much care for the look of this newest version of yahoo mail but it does seem to be working pretty good for me.
jbravo_123's Avatar
If you like Yahoo Classic but are annoyed by the forced switch over to the new Yahoo mail, you can actually flip it back over to Yahoo Classic by disabling Javascript in your browser, close Yahoo mail, then open it back up. It should ask you if you want to use Yahoo Classic and allow you to revert back to it.
I use Gmail.
soxfan's Avatar
g mail
I have been using yahoo for my email, personal and otherwise, for many years. And I was happy with the ease of use and the IM. But when they "upgraded" to a newer version, I found it to be difficult to navigate, emails load slower than molasses in January, and the IM feature just plain sucks. When I first tried the upgraded version and found I didn't like it, yahoo was kind enough to let me go back to the classic. I recently opened a new yahoo account and have been trying to deal with it for about a month and asked for the new account to be changed to the classic and they will not do it.
I have tried gmail and in my opinion, its worse than the new yahoo. When I expand a message, it overlaps with other messages making it difficult to read.
My question to you kind people is this, which email provider works best for you? Originally Posted by Nicolet
Ya know, I preferred the classic version vs the newer one also. I agree it does load slower, especially on a labtop. But then I got a new, better, faster wifi router ($200). I think the old router ($25) I was using just caused everything to load up slower. Just something to look into.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-27-2012, 06:26 AM
Gmail has a chat feature in it. So no 3rd party program or needing to log into boards when I wanna flirt with someone.

I like that it stacks the messages within one. At first I didn't like it, but now I couldn't do without.
DallasRain's Avatar
gmail is the best for me...I like the layout