Low volume..provider???

pickupkid's Avatar
What does this mean? 2 dates, 4 dates a day?,,,,,more? Or is this just an advertisement ploy?
adult146's Avatar
Usually it means higher rates.
waverunner234's Avatar
The low volume provider will never tell you that she had 5 guys just before you showed up.
Fuck it.
Low volume for me means 3-4 A WEEK. I never see more than one person a day. There are many weeks I do turn clients away due to this.

I feel my rates are reasonable and I make a comfortable living.

I want to enjoy my experiences as much as my friends, so that is why I am low volume.
Yah 3-4 per week. Get burned out fast if I do any more than that.
waverunner234's Avatar
Yah 3-4 per week. Get burned out fast if I do any more than that. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
waverunner234's Avatar
Low volume for me means 3-4 A WEEK. I never see more than one person a day. There are many weeks I do turn clients away due to this.

I feel my rates are reasonable and I make a comfortable living.

I want to enjoy my experiences as much as my friends, so that is why I am low volume. Originally Posted by gigi_gypsy
waverunner234's Avatar
I think low volume is just an advertising thing and nothing more.
You wanna make guys feel special? Go with low volume.

No one will know that the guy is number 6 that day.

Come on girls, you can do better.
pickupkid's Avatar
So I can believe that I'm the only one she sees that day.Then I've got some ocean front property in Arizona
The providers that I know who consider themselves low volume are also the same ones that have the most stringent screening standards. Thorough screening is good both for safety and peace of mind (and can lead to a much more pleasant encounter.) They would rather avoid altogether a client that they feel uncomfortable with. (I know of one escort who turned down a client who could apparently afford her highly premium rates but was, according to public records, a dead beat in child support payments. I know of other escorts who, on the day of an appointment, have turned away clients for rude behavior or inappropriate public behavior. They place value on being with clients that they can respect. This may lead to lower volume but to higher job satisfaction.)
Cpalmson's Avatar
To me, it is an advertising ploy. Honestly, I really don't care if she is high volume or low volume. All I care about is this. I don't bump into her previous client when I show up, and I don't bump into her subsequent client when I leave. In reality, I think my screening process of selecting a provider pretty much weeds out the truly "high" volume girls. I could be wrong but for the most part when I see a girl, I'm probably the only date she has that day or at the max I'm one of two or three. The truly low volume providers are the ones who most likely have rates starting between $750 to $1k or higher.
awl4knot's Avatar
Really? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Are you implying that she is lying? Why can't she limit her participation to that level? I know several women that see less than that because they aren't dependent on the money and like sessions where they feel the need for luv.

Please don't dodge the question. Is she lying?

Is it a marketing scheme for others? Yep, but not for awl.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I call myself "low volume," averaging 4 gentlemen callers a week visiting 2 or more hours each, and my rates aren't inflated, actually pretty reasonable when compared to many, and my preference for multi-hours keeps the number of fellows I entertain down. Heck, I'm an old woman who would get tired of any more male BS.

When you think about it, "low volume" coupled with "provider" becomes a non sequitur or oxymoron; a provider will see more men in her life than a "civilian" woman, so the description is contradictory to begin with. Is she "low volume" compared to what? A nun or a slut? (A former Catholic schoolgirl who was forced to study theology as a teen, you get both in my case.)

Describing myself as "low volume" isn't a marketing gimmick for me. From experience, I know that any more than 4-5 appointments weekly leaves me exhausted since I have a personal life, too, to contend with. I'm "low maintenance" as well, and keep my overhead down so I don't NEED to see more. (Although I certainly wouldn't mind making $750-1K per visit, that's pretty unreachable for the majority of fellows, and I'm not 25 with a Playboy Bunny's body. It is, however, all the same equipment. I mean, exactly what justifies that price? Upgraded "headlights?" Is a Honda engine of lower quality than a BMW, or just different? One lasts longer, the other has more power.)

But like the wise fellow said, does it really matter?
The providers that I know who consider themselves low volume are also the same ones that have the most stringent screening standards. Thorough screening is good both for safety and peace of mind (and can lead to a much more pleasant encounter.) They would rather avoid altogether a client that they feel uncomfortable with. (I know of one escort who turned down a client who could apparently afford her highly premium rates but was, according to public records, a dead beat in child support payments. I know of other escorts who, on the day of an appointment, have turned away clients for rude behavior or inappropriate public behavior. They place value on being with clients that they can respect. This may lead to lower volume but to higher job satisfaction.) Originally Posted by bucketlist
I like your attitude about screening!

I can see where a lady would think it was highly asinine to think that a man who robs his children would ever be on the up and up with her, but I think that's a bit judgmental. But I agree that if she felt she couldn't see the good in him due to that fact, it was best she called the appointment off.

But I do agree otherwise. A lady should never put up with a crappy personality or uncouth behavior for any reason.

To me, it is an advertising ploy. Honestly, I really don't care if she is high volume or low volume. All I care about is this. I don't bump into her previous client when I show up, and I don't bump into her subsequent client when I leave. In reality, I think my screening process of selecting a provider pretty much weeds out the truly "high" volume girls. I could be wrong but for the most part when I see a girl, I'm probably the only date she has that day or at the max I'm one of two or three. The truly low volume providers are the ones who most likely have rates starting between $750 to $1k or higher. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Higher rates are not guarantee of lower volume.

I know ladies who don't see more than 3 clients a week at $300/hr, and I can show you links to girls at $900/hr who average 8-12 reviews a month. And we can only guesstimate the ratio of clients who write reviews to those who don't. I think it's safe to say that it's best not to assume things about anyone.

You are right not to care whether a girl is high or low volume. As long as she treats you the way you feel you should be treated, all should be good.
I don't know if she is considered low volume but, Tiffani was quite loud and vocal as I recall.