Hobby Phone, why?

exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Okay I know a lot of people are like... "Oh get a hobby phone!" but the logic just doesn't quite make sense to me. First off, who are you buying this hobby phone to avoid? LE? They can track you easily based on how you signed up for that phone. SO? Boss? Coworkers? Okay that makes sense.

If you are single, self employed, etc. why get one though? What do you guys do? Get the cheap prepaid nokia phones at walmart or something?
shorty's Avatar
Even if your single you should get a hobby phone. Do you really want a crazy ass provider texting/calling you all hours of the day and night? Then when you finally think she gets the idea your not interested, she starts calling/texting from another phone. Usually all this can last anywhere from two weeks to atleast a month or so before you finally shake her.
Crash Davis's Avatar
EDW, take it from me get a hobby phone. I am single and so glad I did. I have ladies texting me all the time trying to hook up. More last month due to Xmas daily. Also, in today's world do you really want everyone to know your real name/address etc. Give me your cell number and I'll send you a picture of your house within 5 min.....scary shit. The LE is also a reason, if the lady gets busted and you are in her phone as John Smith good for $200 week (they do this). Guess who just might have made the newspaper, it works that way here in go-ole Oklahoma. My hobby phone is not registered to me. I bought it paying cash, by the refills with cash and registered it at a public library. Do it, you will thank all of us. You should not be getting into in-depth calls with providers and my tracfone is $10 a month worse case, cause everyone texts. and it 3 text for 1 min of airtime and incoming are free. Do it.....
jframe2's Avatar
You do not have to sign up and provide any personal information to get a Trac-Fone.

This subject is asked and answered at least every other month, the Search function is your friend.
Cpalmson's Avatar
All the info stated here is A-1, good shit. Buy a phone with cash. Buy time with cash. If you have to register, just lie and make some stuff up. Nobody checks that anyway. Do something like this:
John Smith
200 Main St.
Anytown, Any State 11111
pyramider's Avatar
I used my ex brother-in-law's name and address to register my phone.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Thanks a lot! I appreciate the wisdom!
Crash Davis's Avatar
I used my ex brother-in-law's name and address to register my phone. Originally Posted by pyramider
Dude..that is outstanding, I have a few ass on my shit list lol...