For those of us that PYI from time to time....

atlcomedy's Avatar
After seeing a few of you confess to Posting While Intoxicated while ringing in the New Year last night I had to check on the "edit" feature of this Board.

Unlike ASPD, you can edit your posts the next day; not just within some halfhour window. Good news for the PWIers (or just anyone with a tendancy to post dumb things)

[Oh & it is real easy to post things in different fonts and colors]
Good news for ... anyone with a tendancy to post dumb things) Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Sounds like a life saver for you Atl
And BTW, that should be PWI in the title, not PYI. Did you have one too many?
atlcomedy's Avatar do you edit a title?
LynetteMarie's Avatar
LOLOLOL. I love this thread. I love how the Y and W are not even close to each other but the letters were mixed up nonetheless. And I love how you took the time to research the edit button.

Thank you, atlcomedy!!

PS...My enthusiastic response to this post should not imply that I have ever PWI.

PPS...Doesn't Japan have a breathalyzer for computers to prevent this type of occurrence? Thought I heard that somewhere..?
Snorwood's Avatar
I believe Yahoo Mail has a feature that requires, after 10pm, that you answer three simple math problems before it'll send an email.
I believe Yahoo Mail has a feature that requires, after 10pm, that you answer three simple math problems before it'll send an email. Originally Posted by Snorwood
Am I the only one envisioning drunken teens enlisting the help of their younger siblings to get past those math problems?
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Rear entry while while my partner was bent over the bathroom sink trying to brushing her teeth.

After the first time, she started brushing her teeth 7 to 10 times a day!!!!
How in the world did you find THIS relic from 6 years ago?
Priscilla St. James's Avatar
Lmao....I was wondering the same thing but was even more curious about what the heck PYI was!!
How in the world did you find THIS relic from 6 years ago? Originally Posted by Nicolet
Thanks for update on edit buttom.LMAO do you edit a title? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I like profile location eatin peaches