Hey....to all you Trump Supporters

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Attachment 871889

special message from your fearless leader.
You know it makes sense.
Drink up and be happy...duh !
you sound bitter
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Those wascally "professionals" lowered their mortality projects again today. Guess it explains why some of you knuckle-dragers are still alive. Cant' have all the luck I s'pose.

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
you sound bitter Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Nope he’s peddling this drug to help all of you out.

Haven’t you been watching his daily briefings.

Trump claims this is the perfect cure for the Virus.

So why all of sudden you Trump sheep aren’t following his advice?

Come now Boys, you have to do what your fearless leader says. Wakey wakey
sportfisherman's Avatar
He is just muddying up the waters by jumping straight to a treatment.Convenient for him because it is controversial and there is no consensus.Later on he will use this as a deflection as to the damage from the virus ; he will say things would have been better had we embraced his bullshit.

He jumps straight to the treatment phase in order to ignore and revise his initial denial as to the virus and its severity and his ensuing failure to initiate testing and supply build-up.Plus the main worse thing was his dishonest view and bullshit that lulled people into thinking everything was cool. You remember the "we have it all under control","it's only one person from China","there's only 5 cases soon to be zero","it will all disappear","I have a Hunch this will all go away".

He received a warning in his presidential Daily Briefing in early Jan.

We are bitter with reason. This jerk totally neglected his duty and fucked us over with his bullshit and now this is a million times worse than it needed to be if grown up intelligent people were in charge.
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh. That is a funny one. No matter your political leaning.

And even the far right National Review doesn't dispute trump owning stock in the company making it. Of course they try to obfuscate it by claiming "As far as we know, Trump probably owns less than $100 of Sanofi stock in one of his mutual funds."
Of course he will deny the extent of his involvement with that company since he won't shut the doubters up and rub his tax returns in their face.

True grab-the-cash-while-I-can-and-get-out-of-Dodge M.O.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...trump owning stock in the company making it. Of course they try to obfuscate it by claiming "As far as we know, Trump probably owns less than $100 of Sanofi stock in one of his mutual funds."... Originally Posted by Precious_b

So you don't understand the difference between a mutual fund and a stock?? That's kinda basic. Guessing you probably think you would make more $$ out of that hundo than he would too.
Precious_b's Avatar
So you don't understand the difference between a mutual fund and a stock?? That's kinda basic. Guessing you probably think you would make more $$ out of that hundo than he would too. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
As those splinters in your head don't understand ""As far as we know, ..." from the conservative poster of said article.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... ""As far as we know, ..." from the conservative poster of said article. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Explain to the audience how owning a mutual fund, that may own 2 shares of a particular stock, would make him a major market mover of the stock again. How about which sticker symbol would the broker use when he sells the mutual fund? Would it be SNY?
Someone is not doing their homework. Here ya go - A DEMOCRATIC lawmaker in Michigan took it - hydroxychloroquine- and thanked Trump for saving her life.
You'll be seeing alot more of this. However,if you get the virus,feel free to not take it and die just to prove how "wrong" Trump was.

nuglet's Avatar
as usual, Ellen has taken her dose of kool aid today. the side effects are amazing, and mind numbing.
Precious_b's Avatar
Explain to the audience how owning a mutual fund, that may own 2 shares of a particular stock, would make him a major market mover of the stock again. How about which sticker symbol would the broker use when he sells the mutual fund? Would it be SNY? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Explain how you can clearly determine that assets are tied up in mutual funds when, as I stated, the article is intentionally not clear by saying "As far as we know, ..."? Telling half truths, intentionally leaving stuff out, misquoting, using sources that do not pass peer review *MAY* pass as solid and unquestionable to you and ellen. But put in the crucible, your response and that of the article writer will not stand the acid wash.

You got a crystal ball there? If so, have it show trumps tax returns. As I said, I would like him to rub those returns in our faces proving he is the big cheeto. Not a trust fund lard tub.
Precious_b's Avatar
as usual, Ellen has taken her dose of kool aid today. the side effects are amazing, and mind numbing. Originally Posted by nuglet
Claims i'm a stalker. I took a look and from the 80 post she made where she lied and said she was ignoring me to after multiple time telling me she is ignoring me, I have only posted on 2. For those number people, i've ignored 97.5% of her post. Them some strong grounds for claiming i'm stalking NOT!
pleasurem's Avatar
You're a fool... I tell you what, install Biden, then we will see how fucked up things can really get.
Nope he’s peddling this drug to help all of you out.

Haven’t you been watching his daily briefings.

Trump claims this is the perfect cure for the Virus.

So why all of sudden you Trump sheep aren’t following his advice?

Come now Boys, you have to do what your fearless leader says. Wakey wakey Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
I'm getting the impression that you think I'm a MAGAtard because I disagree with you. I'm saying that you sound as deranged as they do.

And do people actually watch White House press briefings, regardless of President?