Israel is under attack.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
By their fruits you shall know them...

Leading from behind has borne bitter fruit. Muslim extremists are no longer afraid that the US will do anything other than a few drone strikes on them. Given the mid east culture they can accept that like we accept being killed in a car accident. The left and the muslim extremists are feeling froggy. Israel is being attacked, civilians are being killed on both sides, and Obama goes on vacation again.

Like Nambla, Muslim extremists are the allies of the left in this country. They celebrate death or remain silent like on this site. They share the guilt but don't have the guts to speak up. Instead of stupid remarks (I know, it is a long shot for some of these idiots) how about some words that help?

and we know where SEE belongs. He criticizes Israel for trying to limit civilian casualites instead of Hamas for putting their rockets next to schools and hospitals. Blaming the victim again.
markroxny's Avatar
This isn't the first time or first administration under which Isreal has been the victim of missles dude. You need to stop trying to attack Obama at every turn.

Pray and calm down. It's being worked on.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
KarlMarxRoxny is right, JD. We can't expect Obama to be any better or more attentive than any prior President. If other Presidents got away with it, then we have to give Obama a pass for his incompetence.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-21-2012, 08:44 AM
Israel won the six day war in 1967, and took over Gaza ...

that fucking Obama, why in the hell didnt he stop that JD?
markroxny's Avatar
KarlMarxRoxny is right, JD. We can't expect Obama to be any better or more attentive than any prior President. If other Presidents got away with it, then we have to give Obama a pass for his incompetence. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Typical hater bullshit. Your libertarian guy would have solved the problem? Please.

Obama isn't finished yet. He has 4 more years to do better than the presidents before him.

He won re-election remember?

LexusLover's Avatar
Israel won the six day war in 1967, and took over Gaza ... Originally Posted by CJ7
... "occupied" ... as well as the Sinai Penninsula up to the canal and other Arab territory, because the Arabs were ganging up on them ... and going to "eliminate" them .. as in wipe them off the map.

... subsequently, the Israelis have backed out (withdrawn) with written agreements.

If the cartels in Mexico started lobbing missiles across our borders into Brownsville, McAllen, Laredo, etc., I suspect that the U.S. (not Obaminable, of course) would give the Mexican government about a day to shut it down (if that long) and then start pounding the shit out of the locations from which the missiles were being fired. Would there by "collateral damage" .... yes, if the cartels located launching sites on school grounds, next to day cares, and in residential neighborhoods.

But if one doesn't like Jewish people in the first place, then I can see how they wouldn't give a shit .... or if one didn't like folks who live in the Valley south of here, I can see why they wouldn't give a shit ... or dream up some lameass excuse like ...

it's the economic conditions that compel them to lob rockets into civilian populations!
Once Israel goes back to the agreed boarders set in the UN Charter and stop building settlements on land that isn't theirs, and stop placing restrictions on the Palestinians that isn't shown or talked about on TV. That will go a long way to a peaceful end to a conflict that never should have gotten started in the first place. The US position is one sided and all outside this country knows that the Israel lobby AIPAC controls the views of congress, in relation to support of Israel. It is clearly one sided and as a result of media manipulation in reporting of the facts on the ground in Israel, the Arab countries will never fully accept Israel's legitimacy. Not their right to exist.......Their re-living the horrors of Nazi Germany upon the Palestinians in much the same way was done to them prior to WWII.............This is a FACT............It amazes me how everything is so easily accepted in relations to Israel in the's almost suspect on it's face....unless you just enjoy being lied too...........I'm just saying...........let the hate begin.......
LexusLover's Avatar
Pray and calm down. It's being worked on.

Originally Posted by markroxny
See that guy on the right .... he's who I want watching my back ....

... as for the joke on the left ....

....I would want her out front so I could keep an eye on her. Remember Stevens?

Another photo op .... where was she when he came to the U.S.?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
The way I see it, a small country with 8 million people continues to provoke and thumb their noses at the region they live in which has 350 million citizens who don't like them very much. It's like the skinniest scrawniest kid on the playground trying to bully the whole football team. I don't foresee a very good outcome for the scrawny kid.
markroxny's Avatar
Once Israel goes back to the agreed boarders set in the UN Charter and stop building settlements on land that isn't theirs, and stop placing restrictions on the Palestinians that isn't shown or talked about on TV. That will go a long way to a peaceful end to a conflict that never should have gotten started in the first place. The US position is one sided and all outside this country knows that the Israel lobby AIPAC controls the views of congress, in relation to support of Israel. It is clearly one sided and as a result of media manipulation in reporting of the facts on the ground in Israel, the Arab countries will never fully accept Israel's legitimacy. Not their right to exist.......Their re-living the horrors of Nazi Germany upon the Palestinians in much the same way was done to them prior to WWII.............This is a FACT............It amazes me how everything is so easily accepted in relations to Israel in the's almost suspect on it's face....unless you just enjoy being lied too...........I'm just saying...........let the hate begin....... Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Why should Israel be our problem? I say leave them to their own defenses and whoever has the bigger bomb should win.
LexusLover's Avatar
... the Arab countries will never fully accept Israel's legitimacy. Not their right to exist.......... Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
See U.N. Resolution 181 (1947)
Establishing Palenstinian State and Jewish State

"Isreal's legitimacy" was determined by the community of Nations.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is a very short sighted view, Skylar.

Israel is our friend and our friend is surrounded by violent extremists.

A real friend does not abandon a friend when he's in trouble.

. . . I expect this flare up to be extinguished very soon before it ignites a much more serious conflict.

Why should Israel be our problem? I say leave them to their own defenses and whoever has the bigger bomb should win. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
LexusLover's Avatar
The way I see it, a small country with 8 million people continues to provoke and thumb their noses at the region they live in which has 350 million citizens who don't like them very much. It's like the skinniest scrawniest kid on the playground trying to bully the whole football team. I don't foresee a very good outcome for the scrawny kid. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
If you mean the scrawny kid is Israel .. then ...

The last time the "football" team took on the kid.. the kid held his own.

I suppose this thread might look a little different for some, at least, if Mexico decided Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, and California ought to be returned to Mexico.
  • 11-21-2012, 09:42 AM
way of life