Hobby Podcast?

I like to listen to podcasts, LOTS of podcasts. Stuff like Radio Lab, Adam Corolla, This American Life, etc. I began to think that a really interesting podcast to create would be a Hobby Podcast. Interviewed guests could range from providers and clients to cops and attorneys. It would have a decidedly pro-P4P stance while also helping to differentiate the hobby from the sex slave trade, child pornography, and other despicable situations that always get lumped into it.

I think it would be fascinating. Not sure it would be the smartest thing for this married father of two to do, but it sure gets my creative juices flowing.
Guess that would be a big "not interested". lol
I think it's a great idea. You'e a genius. But talk about under-the-radar!

Eccie---go for it!!
You'e a genius. Originally Posted by TexasT
I get that all the time. lol jk

I think it could be both entertaining and informative. Talk about news items, changes in the law, a "how to" section (on etiquette, getting screened, etc), interviews, and other things. I think it would be a blast. Eventually, it would be great to stream it and have live call ins.

One problem is the same problem ECCIE faces... the potential to be a lightning rod for LE or wackos. You never know what kind of attention you would attract.