At least say "not interested"

OK, so you send a ladya PM to see if she might be interested in hooking up. You see she has read the massage but no reply, It would be nice to receave something back. Even if it's a "your to friggin old"
I agree with you. Everyone, providers and hobbyists should treat everyone with a little courtesy. It goes a long way.
  • pyro
  • 02-26-2011, 10:58 AM
a PM would be a good howdy do but it wouldn't get you past screening if you didn't already know the gal. She may have given you a glance but was booked. Keep in mind this site is one of many networking tools she has in place.
True a little respect and consideration goes a long way. But try not to take it personally. It really no different than calling a gal and if you don't get an immediate call back you call your 2nd choice, 3rd choice and then whoever you settle for? Do you call each of the previous gals to say, "no worries, I've got a date"? Like I said, don't take it personally but I agree. Its nice to be nice...
Naomi4u's Avatar
Some ladies get bombarded with PMs and it is almost impossible to reply to all of them. I say if she doesn't answer your pm send her an email.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Some ladies get bombarded with PMs and it is almost impossible to reply to all of them. I say if she doesn't answer your pm send her an email. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
That's a fact. Answering every one of them would be about as hard as howdying everyone at the rodeo. You know, the Livestock Show. That rodeo.

Let not your heart be troubled by not hearing back. It's almost certainly nothing to do with you, only the intimidating sight of a shitload of incoming. My personal opinion is that no girl has an obligation to reply until the business relationship has become established.

Do what Naomi advised, but also keep the frequency of repeat inquiries to a reasonable minimum.

You'll be happiest if you just think of each inquiry you send to somebody new like a message in a bottle...just fire the thing off and forget about it. If you hear back...great! If you don't...who cares! Happiness all around.
allofamber's Avatar
Kind-of glad this thread was started.....

Let me show you the mock-up of a few different emails.....(pretty dam close to what my poor assistant has to deal with, about 40 times a day)

Email #1

Hey babe, just saw your pics and I think you look fucking hot as shit, tell me what I have to do to set up a quick fuck, what are you rates, give me a call xxx-xxx-xxxx...(signed) LOSER #1

Email #2

Just saw your showcase on eccies, how much do you charge for a BBBJ, that' s all I'm looking for.....(signed) LOSER #2

Email #3

Wanna fuck? (signed) LOSER #3

Email #4

Dont want an appointment just want to see if you want to go get a drink with me a be "friends"? (signed) LOSER #4

Email #5

I have a 10 inch cock I want to put inside you.....(signed) LOSER #5

Email #6

Hi sexy lady, I'll be in Houston on July 23, 2011, and I want to set up an appointment now. (signed) MORON LOSER #6

(Needless to say NONE of those got an appointment or a response)...

Let me show you who got a quick response and got an appointment set for the very next day....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Email #7

Hi Amber, my name is Nick I just saw your showcase on eccies' and I was wanting to set up some time with you. Here's the information you asked for...

1. Nick
2. 111-111-1111 (please only call between 9am & 5pm)
3. 2/26/11 at 10am for 1 hr
4. Incall
5. I've seen Provider #1 and Provider #2 (there eccie's handle are XXXX & XXXX)
6. I saw Provider #1 on 12/17/10 and Provider #2 11/30/10.

Let me know if you need any other information. I'll be waiting for your call.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Guys I can not stress this enough..if you want to set an appointment, then send in all screening information, in the 1st email or PM. All the "fluffier" stuff gets glance over and set to the side. When a provider opens an email and or PM, and it doesn't have screening info somewhere in it...she will just glance at it and go to the next message...

When you are dealing with anywhere from 25 up to 80 messages a day....and 50% are just non-sense messages then you learn to weed out the ones that are just wasting time and are not serious about setting appointments.

Good Luck out there..
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
When a provider opens an email and or PM, and it doesn't have screening info somewhere in it...she will just glance at it and go to the next message... Originally Posted by allofamber
....and that's on the good days of a conscientious girl. On the days when she's feeling put upon, or behind in her quotidian ratkilling, and sees a humonguous stuffed Inbox staring at her she might just delete the whole damn kit and kaboodle, the perfect ones along with the rest.

I've seen it. Samurai Escort, hollering her KeeeeeYaaaah as she hit delete. And she felt great afterward.

If you don't hang your hopes too high on any initial inquiry you won't do any unnecessary fretting. If y'all saw that girl's inbox you'd completely understand. Well, most of you would anyway.
It may be that your new. As for me I try to answer all my messages by 7am each morning.
john353's Avatar
I think it's really very simple. I have absolutely ZERO problems when I send a P411 request.

I get an e-mail or a text from the lady in a very acceptable amount of time. We set the appointment, then BAM... it's off to the races.

Works every time.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Let's not forget that some providers prefer NOT to exchange messages on this site.

I also don't answer PMs requesting me in a state I have no desire of traveling to. What's the point? If he's not willing to send a deposit and pay traveling expenses he shouldn't bother.

I won't answer explicit emails or emails with one line "Are you available April 1st".

If for some reason I don't like what the guy says in his posts, I won't bother to reply back. Why? I don't want to see him especially knowing that we won't be compatible.
Kind-of glad this thread was started.....

Let me show you the mock-up of a few different emails.....(pretty dam close to what my poor assistant has to deal with, about 40 times a day)

Email #1

Hey babe, just saw your pics and I think you look fucking hot as shit, tell me what I have to do to set up a quick fuck, what are you rates, give me a call xxx-xxx-xxxx...(signed) LOSER #1

Email #2

Just saw your showcase on eccies, how much do you charge for a BBBJ, that' s all I'm looking for.....(signed) LOSER #2

Email #3

Wanna fuck? (signed) LOSER #3

Email #4

Dont want an appointment just want to see if you want to go get a drink with me a be "friends"? (signed) LOSER #4

Email #5

I have a 10 inch cock I want to put inside you.....(signed) LOSER #5

Email #6

Hi sexy lady, I'll be in Houston on July 23, 2011, and I want to set up an appointment now. (signed) MORON LOSER #6

(Needless to say NONE of those got an appointment or a response)...

Let me show you who got a quick response and got an appointment set for the very next day....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Email #7

Hi Amber, my name is Nick I just saw your showcase on eccies' and I was wanting to set up some time with you. Here's the information you asked for...

1. Nick
2. 111-111-1111 (please only call between 9am & 5pm)
3. 2/26/11 at 10am for 1 hr
4. Incall
5. I've seen Provider #1 and Provider #2 (there eccie's handle are XXXX & XXXX)
6. I saw Provider #1 on 12/17/10 and Provider #2 11/30/10.

Let me know if you need any other information. I'll be waiting for your call.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Guys I can not stress this enough..if you want to set an appointment, then send in all screening information, in the 1st email or PM. All the "fluffier" stuff gets glance over and set to the side. When a provider opens an email and or PM, and it doesn't have screening info somewhere in it...she will just glance at it and go to the next message...

When you are dealing with anywhere from 25 up to 80 messages a day....and 50% are just non-sense messages then you learn to weed out the ones that are just wasting time and are not serious about setting appointments.

Good Luck out there.. Originally Posted by allofamber
This should be a sticky on what to do and what not to do when sending a PM or email. Perfect!
The guy with the 10" cock is not a loser.
Naomi4u's Avatar
The guys with 10'' cocks do absolutely nothing for me LOL.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
A guy with that may not be a "loser" but he will definitely lose out on a lot of ass without knowing it.....
pyramider's Avatar
Some would be much better off with a porno and lube.