10 things that women do that men love

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar

Why the fourth one isn't at the top of the list, I don't know. I'm not totally down with 'em all, but I soooo agree with "Girl Smell." My ATF used Pantene, and, to this day, to me, it might as well be called "Instant Woody."
Oh the smell, and the last one does it for me. Being a northerner transplanted to texas im in heavan with all the deep south accents....... One thing i love is sitting at a light and the girl in the car infront of me is playing with her hair....... god I love that. Was at work the other day and a girl walking thru this office building i was working in was wearing Stilletos (sp) and some very nicely fitted cargo pants..... ugh that was hotttt......
Guest062512's Avatar
Yup Yup and Yep.
Take notes ladies...
That casual touch thing is the one that gets me.