No words to describe it''

tracerxxx's Avatar
This may be disturbing to some viewers contains video
of people hit by automobiles...
Yeah, that put a damper on the day........Wow
  • MrGiz
  • 07-11-2010, 06:33 PM
Yep..... WoW! Or, more like WHOA!!

Kinda almost makes me feel better about being offshore!
Guest081910-2's Avatar
dont want to even see it. Way too much bad stuff already>
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I'm with Radiomon - I'll pass on this one.
vicinms's Avatar
That was one of the saddest videos I've seen in a long time! Even knowing some of it was staged doesn't take away that sick feeling in your stomach. The only good thing I can say is it makes me want to be more careful on the road.
makes me want to say...everyone please be safe and please don't forget to look in your blind spot..........I lost another friend yesterday motorcycle accident

giggles isn't giggling today ;-(
Nope... not gonna look.....

So sorry Lil