Japan's Main Export: Crazy Porn

So here's a Japanese Cane Torture Contest! Now I've seen many odd videos out of that country, but this one made me really chuckle.

In particular, the moment the camera first turns to the three contestants, you see three ladies, very uncertain of their presents. They're told to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will take the first beating, and I have to say, what washed over their face was disappointment and dread!

WARNING: I don't recommend watching the whole thing - I like BDSM but they take it to a point where it isn't unnerving - they break skin and it's just not pleasant to watch. It's really only the intro I found entertaining.

Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 03-31-2010, 12:41 AM
There's some really great mainstream Japanese porn, but even the mainstream stuff without getting into the really bizarre stuff can get weird (bukkake, etc). Much of Japanese culture is about humiliation. It's not just porn, either. Most of their humor is about people getting hurt, too.
Lauren- I have seen some very funny Japanes porn. One chick shoots a live eel out of her ass... You think...Ok not that impressive...then another...hmmm... then it starts shooting out like a machine gun. Probably 20+ 4"-5" eels... I laughed my ass off.
My theory is, if it's bizarre and it has anything to do with porn and/or crime, the Japanese have already done it!
seanes's Avatar
My theory is, if it's bizarre and it has anything to do with porn and/or crime, the Japanese have already done it! Originally Posted by easychord24
And that's the truth.
monica_mistress's Avatar
I've seen them put it in there & shoot it out all of them. Fish that is....