Average for OTC

I don't really post here, hardly even lurk anymore as I have been out of the scene for a long time, but I went to Tiffany's last week on a lark and had a question.

I imagine OTC is relatively rare, but what's the lowest to highest that has come out of your pocket for OTC, and did it more or less turn out the way you wanted?

I was straight up offered OTC once, years ago now, but it was kind of done in a way that I didn't like and I (perhaps stupidly) passed, but I have the intuition to spot possibles, so I'd like to get feedback.

Recent examples, like in the past year, are preferable. I don't need or want to know the places or names, as long as it's recent and in the area so I can know what the economy is like out there.
I didn't expect much engagement, but nothing in four days is a bummer.