Recent Road Trip to D

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Ok, I was going to keep this between me and Muffy. but since I'm an exaulted super mod I guess I should disclose what happened.

Recently, Muffy and I decided to go for an overnight trip to Dallas. The gig was we would each book a gal for the first evening and swap the dates for the next day.

Well, we arrived; checked in to our rooms; then we had our dates. Iwon't mention any names, but my gal was not up to standards. When I met Muffy back at our hotel I told him, "Hell, my wife is better than she is!" Muffy took it as a challenge. Surely he could coax a great session out of the lady.

The next day I picked Muff up after his session. The whole drive back he was kind of quiet. I took it to mean he was tired so didn't make much of it. As we pulled in his driveway he opened the door and said, "You're right. She aint any better than your wife."

Just goes to show who you can trust!

T.O.B.'s Avatar
ROLFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Hon, that's terrible!
ControlFreak's Avatar
Yes it's terribly True
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-26-2009, 07:31 PM
horn^i^dog and muffy im really sorry to hear about your bad experience...
what a shame... out of all the ladies here yall pick someone that couldnt live up to yall's expectations......
Indiana Bone's Avatar
That is some funny shit, i almost sprayed my drink on the computer screen.