.....what a smart young man indeed....

Rakhir's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-07-2011, 11:25 PM
Yes, he certainly is!
oshins's Avatar
He has many good points. Smart and eloquent. I don't know much about him, but he bears watching.

It's fresh blood like that that makes me think 2 terms in any office would give us a better congress. One that isn't run by 'the way we have always done it'.
We need more young smart people like him in congress.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Wow someone actually making sense,what a breath of fresh air. Don't know what his position maybe be on other issues,but he's right on point about the burning house anology.
flinde's Avatar
Well, technically, John Kerry's plan is a lot better:

1. Find a really really rich gal (and kinda hot) who will inherit billions when her hubby dies;
2. Wait for hubby to die;
3. Immediately marry kinda hot gal who inherits billions.

With a plan like that, who needs a good economy? Ketchup does great in a down economy. Kerry may not be as dumb as he looks. And acts.
.....yea and he did get three Purple Hearts (did I say that?).
flinde's Avatar
Yes Dennis, but some people dont count ass shot purple hearts. Especially when they say they want to give their purple hearts back when testifying before a congressional committee. Pissed me off more than Jane Fonda - that pic of her on the cannon in Hanoi was actually kinda hot.

Gotta love Boston. For years it was possible to have Ted Kennedy and Kerry as your senators, and Barnie Frank as your congressmen.

Hey Standard and Poors, did you know that the ranking demo member and former chair of the house banking committee Barney Frank got his business savvy and business knowledge from running a male escort service in his spare time from his basement?
Gladman's Avatar
How refreshing to hear a politician speak well on his feet, with passion and common sense, and without a teleprompter.
Coolpops's Avatar
Kerry looked like a buffoon.