River Rats

sexysahrah's Avatar
Hey guys, I hope this finds everyone well this morning!?
As for me, I’ve found myself in this area & REALLY REALLY wanting to go float the river!! I know it’s a long shot……but figured it would be worth it and what could there possibly be to lose, right!? lol
Any of you gentleman planning on a float trip within the next couple days, or today & feel like having a tag along!? My family used to go EVERY YEAR but I haven’t been in over 10yrs & being this close, I REALLY don’t want to leave without experiencing it again!! & what fun is it doing anything like that by your lonesome!?
Hopefully someone sees this with a love for nature as much as mine & don’t mind a fun adventure for the day! I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks in advance!! Hope to hear from you soon!!
This is hilarious! What a magnificent sense of humor! You do know that at the same time you posted this the Weather Service issued not one, but TWO open-ended "areal flood warnings".

Just post detailed pictures of your tats so if your body is recovered somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, they might be able to ID it....

I'm sure you can find some "likkered up" peeps who are going tubing in the middle of a flood! Just get ready to swim hard for the pick-up point. I guarantee that the shuttle bus WILL NOT be there!
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
I’m down for a float and I don’t listen to the local weather morons they can’t even predict their next bowel movements much less rain in SoTex! PM me and we will plan it!