They Mina is good maybe. She has a SHE HAS A VERY BAD HABIT of making appointments and not showing up. FAIR WARNING
They say she is great that maybe. But she has a VERY BAD HABIT of making appointments and not showing up. GOOD LUCK
They Mina is good company,maybe. The has a VERY BAD HADIT of making appointments and then not showing up. FAIR WARNING
Is that you Harry or Karen or could it be -- ? or just a dickweed
Miss39402's Avatar
Why do people get joy out of trying to bring others down?
Get a fucking grip,you posted in 3 different threads,I say there is more to try using spell check
Wtf! Who in the hell r u?
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I have dated Mina, and have never been stood up. You have no worry.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Mina is a professional and a class act. She will keep her appointment with anyone who provides the correct references and acts like a gentleman.
When u r ready, thank u for trying to come to my rescue, but u haven't dated me...yet. if this is the Asshole who inquired with me about tomorrow morning, u can officially go get Fkd! No references, no physical address and no name most certainly will not get u certified to c any one on this board. Yet another, BP douchebags Lmao!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
PS -- This is not a review, and is thus posted in the wrong section.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
What is it with this guy? He has only posted three posts, all of them today, and all say the same thing. However, there are NO details; and it's not a review; and thus, should not be posted here.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Mina, I did date you once, but you were using a different name; and I hope to date you again under your present name. BIG smile.
Lmao...refresh my memory