Names don't necessarily have to be mentioned.
Any big or small acts of kindness here on Eccie or outside of Eccie.
Even if the recipient doesn't know you did it, it still counts
as a kind act.
Maybe you sent a PM to someone about something incorrectly posted in their
ad or showcase so they wont get a spanking by the mod etc.
Maybe you sent a PM offering nothing more than a kind comment or compliment
on a providers sexy lingerie.
Maybe you congratulated someone on something etc.
Let me give a shout out to the sexy Katana Kay.
I've been staring at her sexy pics.
She is sexy!! Katana don't hurt 'em

What else I did recently. I made a ladies day (don't know her name)!!!
I was at the hardware store. I'm fighting w/a lizard (long story).
We talked.
She had recently lost and buried her husband.
I could tell she was sad, she started crying.
I'll skip all the other stuff but overall
I told her to buy a 10-minute interval Sand Clock/Timer and
every day she had only 10 minutes to cry and not longer than that.
Cry 10 minutes a day every day for as long as she needed to do that until her tears dried up.
I told her, her tears may never dry up. I told her she has to take baby steps back into her brand new life.
I may have been wrong for telling her what I did but it seemed
as if something was lifted off her shoulders and she gave me the longest
tightest hug.
She got in her car and said she was on the way to go buy her a Sand Clock
and we parted ways.
Anywho, this is my small random act of kindness. I brightened up that ladies day a little and I felt good about it

What did you do? You don't have to go into detail if you dont want to.
What are you gonna do?
Will you do something?
Anyone have an Act of Kindness to share with us in the 'Kindness Campaign' thread ?
(Hoping in 2018 I'll have a small taint gallery of kindness just for pyramider)