Happy Birthday Bmerazi...

I'll wave to ya if I see ya "hanging out" in the same hotel parking lot as me...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Berazi....I hope you have a ROCKIN' DAY sweetheart!!!!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
If you want... YOU can give ME spankings for your birthday... it may not be traditional.. but my butt was made for spankings .. lol

Happy Birthday Babe!!
blaktygre's Avatar
happy birthday there big guy!! i know you did it up right!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Happy B-day wee!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-05-2010, 09:03 PM

Here's to you!

SpursFan's Avatar
Happy happy joy joy!

And ugh dennisrn - that's a disturbing visual you painted there bro. Keep it in your shorts.


SloaneMacallan's Avatar
Happy Birthday!!!
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

I enjoy reading your post, btw!

spursfan....I just figured they were seeing the same ladies...hmmmm

Crispy1969's Avatar
Happy Birthday & Many More!
Happy Belated Birthday Bmerazi! Hope you had a great day!
ammonite's Avatar
Happy Bday one day late
Dennis, thanks for starting the thread and I hope everyone didn't get the wrong impression.

I spent the first part of the day depressed over my advanced age, but got over it and scheduled a session that turned out great.

Gents, and I use that very lightly, I appreciate the nice comments.

Ladies, I thank you for the comments, but even more for being there. I appreciate you all.

Jez, I couldn't do that to you. The sheer number of slaps could prove fatal. Plus, I always like to keep my sex and violence separate.

Thanks all
as I hope you know - it was a sincere birthday wish...
and I remember you and I kidding about a popular place frequented by many here and how busy the parking lot could be..
we laughed about "waving" to one another if we saw each other as we went along on our merry way...
do hope that clarifies things..