Review: mommy had pta meeting

Date: 9 Feb 2012
Provider: sexyainglemommy
Phone: 657-229-4433
Email Address: m
URL / Website: will add
City: Montgomery
State: Alabama
Address: My hotel
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Nothing to report. She was nsnc.
Session Length: none
Fee: none
Hair Length and Color: Black
Age: over 35 on other sites
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Unknown for sure
Recommendation: No
I've had several where they wouldn't show up or answer at the required happens. And it happens just as much to the ladies too where they get cancelled on at the last minute or the guy doesn't show.

I had one well known provider nc/ns me twice because she got the dates mixed up. I actually had another appointment once where the lady overslept and said to give her an hour, but she never returned my call until 2pm, 6 hours later....
vicinms's Avatar
Since NC/NS are not actual Reviews, this is being moved from the Indy Review forum to Coed, where the provider can respond if she wants to.
44formore's Avatar
I saw her and she was on time and a great experience. Review coming shortly!
Hopefully it was just an unfortunate circumstance. I don't have the sense that is common with her but I certainly am sorry for the OP's disappointment. Maybe she will come here to explain.
My apologies to bamasoldier. I was a NSNC and I am really sorry as he already knows this. I did contact him the following morning as soon as I was able. I also offered to reimburst him for the room since it was an outcall and I was under the impression he only stayed in town to see me. I also offered to do whatever I can to make it up to him. If he would like a nice discount or extended time. Hopefully, as he already asked how long I will be around, his schedule will allow me to make it up to him.
drsmooth1's Avatar
SSM it's very nice of you and business wise to admit what happened and offer to make it up to bamasoldier and I hope he accepts the offer and comes back with a better review.

I'm sure you had good reasons for not seeing him, not calling him, not texting him, and not communicating at all with him until a day later.
Yep. In a situation like this, the distinction between "class" and "no class" is acknowledgement and trying to make it right. Good for you SSM.
gimme_that's Avatar

I'm sure you had good reasons for not seeing him, not calling him, not texting him, and not communicating at all with him until a day later. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
You forgot to add also....until an coed post/alert was posted about it. Had this not been posted would she even have responded prompty? Maybe.......but I guess it good she finally did.

I still don't see how a fast text can't be done if you can't make it. If the hobbyist did this to her I'm sure she wouldn't be as understanding about his response a day later.

But as long as she's cute, guys aren't really concerned about a ncns until it happens to them. She will either be known for it regularly or she can restore her rep for good customer zipper at a time.

Kudos to her for responding though.
44formore's Avatar
review is up but awaiting mod. SSM is a class act.
I still don't see how a fast text can't be done if you can't make it. If the hobbyist did this to her I'm sure she wouldn't be as understanding about his response a day later. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I didn't want to say too much in this thread, not wanting to appear to be a WK, but since some other posts may have been missed for their explanatory value... here goes.

Without giving away any private info (of which some may be aware), perhaps you guys may consider this comment:

It alludes to the locational circumstances affecting communication, where only the OP deserved a detailed explanation (which he received).

Don't you guys hate it when you are in some remote area (say, like out in the sticks near a lake) and it turns out that area has really bad, intermittent cell phone and associated wireless internet reception so your smart phone keeps cutting out?

Come on guys, sometimes things happen that are outside our control. She addressed it in detail with the affected party, and in generalities in this thread (not every private detail has to be posted wide open on the board).

Give the girl a break.
No harm no foul in the end. SSM did contact me and made a very nice offer. I would try to see her if the situation was available.
I would like to let everyone know that SSM and I were finally able to meet and she is a wonderful lady and a great time. Review soon. See her as soon as you can!