Alerts Sticky?

Would it be possible to add a sticky in the alerts section similar to the review section? Some starter template working text, patterned after the review sticky, is below:

Subject: Read before posting an Alert

The goal of an alert is to enable a reader to evaluate the reported threat, avoid the reported threat, and avoid similar threats. Sometimes writing an alert right after the event is helpful as the details are more easily recalled. Sometimes, the angst leads to an emotional instead of informative alert. Use good judgment in deciding to write an informative alert.

What is an alert?
An alert is a situation where there is a threat or action. Example valid alerts are threats of violence, or threats of outing, or theft. Example invalid alerts are general incompatibility, poor hygiene, or a no call/no show.

Where feasible, an alert should contain who/when/what/where/why/how the event occurred.
1. Who is/was the threat? Specifying a username, phone and email, and providing a link, where available.
2. When did the event occur? Specifying the date or time where applicable.
3. Where did the event occur? Specifying a major intersection, where suitable.
4. What happened? Describe the sequence of events.
5. Why/how did the event happen? An explanation of event if known.

Example Marginal Alert
Subject: Don't trust Jane, She's a physco
I met a BP bitch over in Dallas. I'll never do that again. There is no honor among thieves. You can trust me on that. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

Example Improved Alert
Subject BP Jane Stole My Money
I met that BP bitch Jane (214-555-1212, ) at a hotel by the Hi-5 last weekend. I'll never do that again. I arrived, we spoke for a few minutes, and I placed the envelope on the dresser. She said she needed to text her friend to tell her she's safe. A couple of minutes later, a guy knocks on the door, claims to be her boyfriend, and says he will stab me if I don't leave. I start to leave and look for the envelope and it wasn't there. Apparently she moved it while I was distracted. I fought my way out, but was out $200 from the disgruntled boyfriend scam. There is no honor among thieves. You can trust me on that. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

Responses should focus on additional details, alternate strategies, and post-event activity, with minimal piling on of condolenscences.

Example Marginal Response
I'm sorry that happened.

Example Improved Response.
I'm sorry that happened. Paying after the session and bolting the door can lower the risk and provide extra reaction time.
Mojojo's Avatar
On the home page there is a suggestion box, you could pitch the idea there and let the staff discuss it. The problem with the lower half of your initiative though is that it tends to put a limit on discussion. ECCIE pretty much focuses on the free flow of information therefore we don't try to limit speech here. It's the sites core.
Thanks. I thought something like that could be Dallas forum specific. I'll probably just let it go.