What is the farthest you have ever had to (choose to) travel for a date?

atlcomedy's Avatar

What is the farthest you have ever traveled to see a specific woman? e.g "I traveled to New Zealand and called the agency and got my romp on with Kim" doesn't count. Can be p4p or civie.
discreetgent's Avatar
International flight of about 3500 miles
About 3000 miles -- out to California.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
55-65 miles anytime I go to Dallas to hobby.
leglover05's Avatar
160 miles and she was worth every mile! It's a long story and trust me, you don't want to hear it.(lol)
atlcomedy's Avatar
about 500 miles...wonderful weekend
Interesting thread atlcomedy... I enjoy traveling myself, be it personal or for business, and always welcome the opportunity to visit someplace new. I've wondered a few times how far a gentleman might travel for the express purpose of seeing a preferred lady.

So fess up, how far have you traveled? No fair starting the thread if you don't intend to share yourself!
atlcomedy's Avatar
i think you were writing when i was posting...see above

...but if you want details (and these are steamy) this will cost you.....
stretchtexas's Avatar
back in the day i'd routinely travel 1.5hrs to h-town to play. just a lack of resources in my town then.
...but if you want details (and these are steamy) this will cost you..... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Oh my dear, I do believe you have it backwards... besides, I have ways of getting information
Its not quite the same, but I arranged to have an overnight lay-over in Houston this weekend specifically to see my ATF. Its not really that out of the way, since I'm going from the east to the west coast. Still she's worth the extra expense of the delay and the overnight!
What? No, "to Hell and back" comments? You boys haven't traveled very far it you have not been to Hell and back to see a girl.
Happy Diver's Avatar
I've been to Hell and Back with the "Evil One". It was a short trip there, but a LONG trip back.
What? No, "to Hell and back" comments? You boys haven't traveled very far it you have not been to Hell and back to see a girl. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Is that near Houston?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2010, 03:04 PM
What? You boys haven't traveled very far it you have not been to Hell and back to see a girl. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I've been with a few where it seemed like hell!

Hey atl, I've been to Rio to see one particuliar lady but I wouldn't of went if I couldn't of seen her friends too.

Do dat count?