Another Trump Trial Spurs Rage Posting - And a GAG Order

eyecu2's Avatar
... "Just wait" for WHAT?? ... Are YOU advocating for violence??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
not advocating, - PREDICTING.

Already there have been massive responses of cancel culture on the right for NYC properties and investors. I thought the right was the anti, anti-cancel-culture group?

Wrong. They just say they are cancelling in the name of pseudo- patriotism vs. narcissism, and they eat it up like a fat kid eats chocolate cake. They will follow Donnie off a cliff like Wylie Coyote does with an Acme Anvil tied to his foot.

Trumps gag order will get even more specific, but that will not stop the "Rager in Chief"

He's going to find out the hard way that a fool and his money are soon parted, and the prediction of ANGRY trump supporters getting violent is a high probability if Jan 6th and the rest of the their responses is any indication.