Where is everyone at? Cause I wanna Play?

82Vinny's Avatar
I've been here posting my ad for like four months and was wondering if my fellow ECCIE Fam could give me some advice as to why I have had hardly any luck with meeting people? I mean Im not Beyonce but I'm not smashed either. I just would love to meet some men who wanna hang out and have a GOOD time. I am soooo energetic, and fun. Don't seem to know whats good here. Ever since my little ordeal with whats his face happend, just seems as if that ruined it for me. I co-own my own studio been there forever and don't see what is the big ISH?

Thanks for ya'lls help!
Christina L.
Gumbo's Avatar
  • Gumbo
  • 06-01-2011, 01:10 PM
you should check your private messages
is this an ad??? maybe try that?

it is that time of month for most.. slow at the end and picks up at the start of the month.

good luck to ya
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
there are a lot of providers these guys have to choose from and money isn't as abundant as it once was. Keep your head up and keep in mind this type of business will always has it's ups and downs. No matter how awesome a girl is, she has slow times. I promise you.

You could try running a special or adjusting your rates if they are higher than the average.

Either way, it will pick up eventually I promise you !
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 06-01-2011, 04:14 PM
The money issue is a big factor … at least for me it is, along with time. I'm trying to scrape together all the pennies I can find to save for playtime. Since I am fairly new here I have many more desires than I have dollars to fulfill them. It is kinda like when I was young and my mom would say that my eyes were bigger than my stomach. So many beautiful and wonderful providers are out there and so little time and $$.
Christina, you are on my list, to research and possibly get together with, I just haven't had a lot of free time either
backdoorman's Avatar
I would love to see you, but your availability of 10:00 am to 7:00 pm does not work for me. Ever consider working later hours?
tallgeese's Avatar
Yeah I'd have to agree with most here. It's a time and money issue. If you're working a lot you don't have much time for play or are only available at odd times. Plus it seems when you're saving up something else comes your way to take up all the fun money. I guess it's called life.
FootLong's Avatar
I would suggest going to some "socials"...which are not associated with this site, but if you are interested it could be arranged. If you really want to "meet some men who wanna hang out"...
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
It is definitely time and money for me. Thundrnlitng is right...So many desires and not enough time or money to fulfill them.
  • JK
  • 06-01-2011, 09:49 PM
[Staff edit. M]

Such imagery is not allowed in an open forum on this site.

Also, it is not germane to the topic of this thread. M

That's just all kinds or wrong!!!
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I had to scale back due to a combination of things, but slowly working my way back in.
82Vinny's Avatar
Awesome thanks all for the feed back. And NO this isn't an ad. I wanted ADVICE and Rec'vd it! Thanks AGAIN! Will be adjusting my location and hours starting next week. Understanding Money is a major issue with most I wish you all the best of luck and blessings financially! Hopefully the darn Government will get their shit together and we can go back to living suave like in the 80's. Now those were the days! <3 xoxoxox
whitetail32's Avatar
mainly just plain ol' money. it's supply and demand issue. most are 'demanding' too much and not enough supply to support the demand.
Chuck12's Avatar
there are a lot of providers these guys have to choose from and money isn't as abundant as it once was. Keep your head up and keep in mind this type of business will always has it's ups and downs. No matter how awesome a girl is, she has slow times. I promise you.

You could try running a special or adjusting your rates if they are higher than the average.

Either way, it will pick up eventually I promise you ! Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Jezabelle's post is very good advice. The time and money issue is probably the bigger issue. Related to that is that most guys already have their regulars that they see. I have noticed that this happens more in SA. So new providers have to stick it out to build a regular group of guys.