Excellent Article on Sex and Money

I thought this was too good not to share -

http://christopherlondonblog.com/. (Sex Workers link, which happens to be the first one today, dated Mar. 3rd.)

What a pleasure to read such an intelligent, honest and well written article!

Leah Ireland
Great article. Thanks for posting it.

Here is another one....http://alexthereluctantescort.com/page/66/?sort=0
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Thanks for posting, Leah!

He's a wonderful blogger and I especially appreciate him posting links to valuable websites for the SW community. The only really good site I noticed that he forgot to add is NSWP: The Global Network of Sex Work Projects

It's not too late to celebrate March 3! In fact, I ate a piece of chocolate today to continue the celebration of International Sew Workers Rights Day.
Thanks for posting this Leah!
Great resource!