Funny youtube videos!!!

hammertimelee's Avatar
post your favorites!

[ame=""]YouTube- Real Nigga Speaks on Modern Day Romance[/ame]

I love funny videos, I love a good sense of humor, but......

I fail to see the humor in this video. I'll reserve my true feeling on this though.
Longermonger's Avatar
REAL N*: Shawty! Hey Shawty!! Yo bitch, check dis out. I gots twenny-fo's on muh gimme yo digits an' I'll holla at cha. [girl at mall (or at da club) scrawls fake "numba" on scrap of paper] LOL

The guy is basically doing and saying the right things for his situation. That's the fascinating part. He's being honest, being alpha, being touchy-feely, demonstrating (relative) high social status, etc. As wrong as his game is for 99% of the world, you've got to admit that he exudes confidence. I bet his target audience eats it right up.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Well this may be offensive, it is absolutely hilarious.
hammertimelee's Avatar
lol i hope you guys know he was joking. nobody would do that in real life.

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