Gooo gle question

Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
My eccie handle and real world email address were linked together on, an app from google.
I discovered this answering an article on this morning.
My browser of choice is Chrome and I access eccie with an incognito link on Chrome.
Am I completely in awe of Google. Knows all, sees all, exposes all.
Is Chrome the link to this potential personal disaster?
jframe2's Avatar
To give you a definitive answer requires more information, but generally, if you were logged into your Google account and did anything on a Google related product it will pass your information to each google product you use.

Never go to a NSFW-type site using the same browser. Use brower 1 for your civie world activities and a different browser for your private world.
IMO, a separate browser isn't enough. Tor browser is the safest bet for an anonymous browsing session.
want2c's Avatar
Google/Android/Chrome, collect and sale 29 terabits of data to third parties daily. So to answer your question, yes. Google, the largest private data miner in the world.