Balancing discretion etiquette with information sharing

algrace's Avatar
When a provider or hobbyist is presented with the choice of what to do with real life personal information about another provider or hobbyist...

Sadly, a recent experience serves as a reminder that not everybody in the hobby is a lady or gentleman. Whether disclosure is by pure accident or as a result of malicious intent, a case of TMI can have very disruptive consequences.

I'm not trying to lecture anyone or teach a lesson, but I believe we all know what the "correct" answer(s) are. Discretion is very important in this hobby.
Consider how advanced search engine systems have become, then couple that with ever-increasing use and presence of social networks.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
When a provider or hobbyist is presented with the choice of what to do with real life personal information about another provider or hobbyist...

Sadly, a recent experience serves as a reminder that not everybody in the hobby is a lady or gentleman. Whether disclosure is by pure accident or as a result of malicious intent, a case of TMI can have very disruptive consequences.

I'm not trying to lecture anyone or teach a lesson, but I believe we all know what the "correct" answer(s) are. Discretion is very important in this hobby.
Consider how advanced search engine systems have become, then couple that with ever-increasing use and presence of social networks. Originally Posted by algrace
I believe this is where the idea of "karma" came into play.

If I get good service at a restraunt, I'll tip
If I dont get good service, I won't tip

If I overhear about, I'm not sure what I could hear from a provider that I'd give a shat about, or could harm them, but lets say I overheard them talking about murdering someone, or on the phone with their meth dealer, I'd act differently.

So you dont think if I overheard my Provider talking about her plans to murder someone, or how she can't give plasma/blood anymore cause she has aids/hepC/midi-chlorians/high iron that I should report that to anyone?
why not?
So you dont think if I overheard my Provider talking about her plans to murder someone... Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You really need to quit getting drunk during the day, bcpl...
Some things are left unsaid, PERIOD!!!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
You really need to quit getting drunk during the day, bcpl... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
oh, is that what you kids are callin it nowadays?
Fixer63's Avatar
Over the years I have gotten personal information about some providers (things I saw and heard). My policy now is to ignore it. I tried to tell one provide what I had learned and how and she blew up on me calling me a stalker
blk07lac's Avatar
What exactly are we talking about here?
I have accidentally come across several providers info through an old bug in some software. I told them how I came across it and let them know how they could make sure other people didnt come across the info.
I have also had a provider drop her drivers license in my outcall and another girl accidentally sent me pictures from the wrong email account which had her real name. Again, for those two things I let the provider know how I found out about the info. The drivers license I ended up cutting up since she had already replaced it.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Over the years I have gotten personal information about some providers (things I saw and heard). My policy now is to ignore it. I tried to tell one provide what I had learned and how and she blew up on me calling me a stalker Originally Posted by Fixer63
when you learn a providers real name. DOB, SS, etc, why did you tell them?
Did you think they'll be thankful?

Most providers around here think they are I^3
Imortal Infertile Invincible
they only want praise, as does anyone who posts sonograms+pics on faceboolk

I was walking inside Target once and being a good citizen/nice guy and after watching a woman park her car and get out and waddle to the door, I asked if when she had seen an eye doctor recently?(she drove like shit)
so I said, you nearly killed me, get your eyes checked...She increased her speed to a fast waddle and she told me to fuck off,

Another time I was pulling into a spot and 2 old peoiple walk across the end of the spot, they had been walking from the parking lot to the door, between cars, and my spot was empty so they walked IN IT and I nearly cruded them with my SUV
I got out and ran after them
"are you guys ok?
ok? you were almost under my tire, right or not
they kept walking

people don't want to hear truth, it makes them angry when they look stupid

this is why I workout/eat right, I am often stupid, but I make stupid look gooood
when you learn a providers real name. DOB, SS, etc, why did you tell them?
Did you think they'll be thankful?

Most providers around here think they are I^3
Imortal Infertile Invincible
they only want praise, as does anyone who posts sonograms+pics on faceboolk

I was walking inside Target once and being a good citizen/nice guy and after watching a woman park her car and get out and waddle to the door, I asked if when she had seen an eye doctor recently?(she drove like shit)
so I said, you nearly killed me, get your eyes checked...She increased her speed to a fast waddle and she told me to fuck off,

Another time I was pulling into a spot and 2 old peoiple walk across the end of the spot, they had been walking from the parking lot to the door, between cars, and my spot was empty so they walked IN IT and I nearly cruded them with my SUV
I got out and ran after them
"are you guys ok?
ok? you were almost under my tire, right or not
they kept walking

people don't want to hear truth, it makes them angry when they look stupid

this is why I workout/eat right, I am often stupid, but I make stupid look gooood Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
And the purpose of this post is.....what? What does it have to do with the topic of this thread?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
And the purpose of this post is.....what? What does it have to do with the topic of this thread? Originally Posted by ou812ne
This thread has a purpose?
This thread has a poll, besides that, its just random babble, so I added to it
noleftturn's Avatar
You should have taken the woman's advice. It was spot on.
algrace's Avatar
when you learn a providers real name. DOB, SS, etc, why did you tell them?
Did you think they'll be thankful?

Most providers around here think they are I^3
Imortal Infertile Invincible
they only want praise, as does anyone who posts sonograms+pics on faceboolk

I make stupid look gooood Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
The portion of your initial response that karma becomes involved is the most valid contribution you've made to this thread.
JRLawrence's Avatar
.......... not everybody in the hobby is a lady or gentleman. Whether disclosure is by pure accident or as a result of malicious intent, a case of TMI can have very disruptive consequences. Originally Posted by algrace
You make a good point. However, this is about more than the hobby. It applies with any personal relationship, and you can't get any more personal than sex, whether it is in the hobby or in a personal contact in the real world.

I have always learned more personal items about a lady I am with than most intend to reveal. It is about the quiet way to ask a questions, and get someone to talk to you about personal things. They talk to me because I care, and because I care about the ladies I respect their personal information.

There is no worse way to attack another person than to use personal, and private, information to direct the attack. How else does the new media go after public figures, than by the use of information that should be private?

There is no more vicious attack than to use personal information against one you once loved. We see it all the time in divorce, and it is usually the ladies who are the most vicious. When they do so, they burn all the bridges and any hope of a cordial relationship after the divorce. They not only hurt the one they attack, they hurt themselves and others.

Personal information is private, and should be kept private.

Once, here on EEIC, I send a lady a PM & she responded. I answered to the address she sent me. Oh, did the stars fall out of the sky. She had send me her personal email, to which I responded, and she wanted to know how I got her personal email. A copy of her correspondence solved the matter, but my sincere apology and the assurance that her personal information would always just be between us put her at ease.

The hobby can be a very dangerous game for all of us. We all know of the numerous nut cases that exist in the real world, people who are not kind, and people who are in the hobby only because the fail in any other type of personal relationship. So, they have to pay for sex because no other woman would accept them in a real-world relationship.

The hobby is separate - and we know that. However, respect for people is the key consideration.

Girls, if a guy is only on a power trip, and wants to control - or hurt: and revealing personal information is nothing else. You have no obligation to see him. Do your research. A guy who would give out personal information does not deserve to be accepted by anyone in open society, and especially by anyone in the hobby.

A lady who would obtain personal information about a guy, and use it for blackmail doesn't deserve to work in the hobby. When the word about this gets out, all guys should avoid her no matter how attractive physically she may be.