Encounter: Enthusiastic asian

User ID: -
Date: 12/31/2019
Name: Yumi? Hard to understand
Phone: 5058008158
Email Address: None
URL (Profile or Bio Page): None
City: Abq
State: New Mexico
Address: Lomas and San Pedro
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Massage cfs
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Mid length brown
Age: 30ish
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: This girl looked to me like the Chinese version of Jennifer Jason Leigh from Fast Times at RidgemontHigh. It was eerie. Thick but not fat. Maybe some fat but not disgusting.
Recommendation: Yes
joyote's Avatar
an interesting review
definitely a unique report. thanks

the location given is too vague to find the place
without doing some research
it is my observation that it’s ok to give a full address in these spa reviews

I always look for the rate, too, on any good review
I’ll bet most find that relevant & helpful
Google the phone number given, and the location comes right up. You've been around long enough to know what the standard AMP rates are......

an interesting review
definitely a unique report. thanks

the location given is too vague to find the place
without doing some research
it is my observation that it’s ok to give a full address in these spa reviews

I always look for the rate, too, on any good review
I’ll bet most find that relevant & helpful Originally Posted by joyote
joyote's Avatar
yes, I know what the standard rates are
but we don’t know that the standard rate is relevant, here

yes, I know how to do the research
and look for the amp address
imo it would be best if the op would provide that
I am going to agree with UTR. Its not that difficult Joyote. Copy and paste into google.
  • Mecca
  • 01-09-2020, 07:33 PM
I for one doesn't know the standard rate.
I guess you haven't read enough AMP reviews?

I for one doesn't know the standard rate. Originally Posted by Mecca
joyote's Avatar
so, Htl...
let’s estimate maybe 100 members
will be curious enough to want to know
from your interesting review
which, of the several amp’s near that intersection
is the one spa featuring the hungry Yumi
so that’s 100 times somebody has to copy & paste into Google
you could do it once for all of us. it’s not that hard

while one instance does not look like much
if almost every review that we see leaves out some critical bit of data
then we are looking at some serious tedium

that is exactly what we are seeing
more reviews are being posted with less data
especially in the amp folder, but elsewhere as well
apparently, pa access is being granted for these

it used to be required. not anymore. now, how often do you see...
“...and what was the donation?”
well, maybe getting less often. because, I think
people are getting tired of asking
but still wanting to know

if you expect less, and settle for less
many will gladly deliver less

rates are hard to come by
standard rates not widely agreed upon or reported

Anyone Else...
who has not done the research...
who would like to know where Yumi is...
here you go...


...it’s not that hard!
Its a jerkoff sex board for fucks ssake. Get over yourself
joyote's Avatar
nihilism - no thanks