Transcending space and time

normalguy21's Avatar
WTF I feel violated .
Teladeportation and I never even got probed.

Did you perverts miss old slicks here comments and bull shit ?
Where you been dude. There hasnt been any "slick" riddles to solve lately.
His Pops passed on, he was taking a break. Glad to see you Slick.
DallasRain's Avatar
welcome back my sweet pervy hubby!
normalguy21's Avatar
Thanks guys and gals it's always nice to feel welcome and even better when people understand where you have been .
I learned a lot in the last couple months .

About myself about others about shit I thought about before about what really is important, but most of all who I could trust and depend upon .

Turns out that I needed to trust myself most of all and put myself higher on the needs to be taken care off list .

Shit happens

People you thought were your friends flake out .

Family members stab you in the back .

Some turn the other cheek.

But guess what ?

There are still some really cool and great people around .like the ones who responded on this post .

Don't know how much I will be posting on here in the future .

Those that have my number ,give a shout out anytime .

To those I pissed off by me being a asshole ,,,,eh take a look in the mirror ,,,,

Those that flaked fuck off ,,

And everybody else let's have a BBQ SOON !
finman56's Avatar
Glad you are ok Slick, take care of yourself!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Even though you're unsure how often you'll pop in it's nice to see that you did ... hope you're doing well.