Trump knows aliens

VitaMan's Avatar
In what can only be described as a bizarre turn of events, former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed has made an unbelievable statement claiming that a select few human beings have not only known about the existence of aliens, but have also been in touch with the ‘Galactic Federation’.

In an interview with Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper, the professor said that aliens have specifically asked the people in the know to stay mum and not announce that they are here, because “humanity is not ready yet.”

He also spoke about US President Donald Trump, claiming how Trump has also been in touch with the cosmic residents. Eshed added that Trump was almost on the verge of revealing this alien existence, but did not do so because the aliens do not believe this to be the right time for the revelation. “They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding,” he was reportedly quoted as saying.
bambino's Avatar
I think you are seeing aliens at this moment.
winn dixie's Avatar
This thread is more munchies style! He likes to talk about Uranus.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

They blew up Congress. HA HA ha ha.
Ripmany's Avatar
Maybe he will be a international federation president. Fuck the white house. The white space Craft next.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they blew up oink!
winn dixie's Avatar
they blew up oink! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
They pilled the pin! lolling
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
In what can only be described as a bizarre turn of events, former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed has made an unbelievable statement claiming that a select few human beings have not only known about the existence of aliens, but have also been in touch with the ‘Galactic Federation’.

In an interview with Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper, the professor said that aliens have specifically asked the people in the know to stay mum and not announce that they are here, because “humanity is not ready yet.”

He also spoke about US President Donald Trump, claiming how Trump has also been in touch with the cosmic residents. Eshed added that Trump was almost on the verge of revealing this alien existence, but did not do so because the aliens do not believe this to be the right time for the revelation. “They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding,” he was reportedly quoted as saying. Originally Posted by VitaMan

ya know this article is bullshit. that Israeli paper Yediot Aharonot has a reputation of sensationalizing, embellishing and taking things out of context.

very likely Eshed's comment was taken out of context and embellished to create an outrageous statement.

he probably said he thought aliens existed and the paper added stuff he did not say.
VitaMan's Avatar
Kind of like Trump.....but he actually says it. The papers don't have to add stuff.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
^ H I M obsessed.

The nearest star system to our own is Alpha Centauri. It is a triple star system, which means it contains three stars, two sun-like stars and a red dwarf. There is a planet Proxima Centauri b orbiting the habitable zone of the red dwarf, with an orbital period of approximately 11.2 Earth days. Liquid water may exist on the surface of the planet. However, it is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2,000 times of that which is found on Earth. This radiation would likely leave the subsurface as the only potentially habitable location on the planet.

The Alpha Centauri star system is about 4 light years away. Physically traveling this distance is likely not possible. Even if a space craft were able to approach the cosmic speed limit of light (300 million m/s), at this speed, a cosmic dust particle with the mass a crystal of table salt (0.1 milligrams) would carry a kinetic energy of over 1 ton of TNT (4.5 billion joules), which is about 9 thousand M67 grenades.

I think I calculated something like a few decades is a feasible amount of time to travel in a space ship to Alpha Centauri. However, communication with earth would be impossible, because of course communication occurs via radio waves, which travel at the speed of light. This means it would take eight years to send a message and then receive a response.

Anyway, I don't feel like looking this stuff up anymore. The point is, it's physically impossible to hop in a space ship and explore the universe.
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2020, 09:54 AM
DPST hysteria - "trump and aliens" - their propaganda machine must be reaching overload and terminal stupid velocity!
9500 is onboard - however!!!
ray walston agrees!
winn dixie's Avatar
9500 posts nothing but wasted bandwidth memes thats plum creepy.
His co-hort munchie when he finally reaches his keyboard is nothing but insults and ignorant rhetoric.
goodman0422's Avatar

I can't find the full clip but the President stated that we have imagery, telemetry, and material from technology that we did not make and we don't think the Russians or Chinese can make.

For the record, I believe the official story that the Roswell crash was a weather balloon. (There are pictures from the original story of pieces of mylar.)

But that probable hoax would be a perfect smokescreen for real research into unexplained phenomena. It would be nice if the government declassified their info but I think the media would spin it out of control.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I can't find the full clip but the President stated that we have imagery, telemetry, and material from technology that we did not make and we don't think the Russians or Chinese can make.

For the record, I believe the official story that the Roswell crash was a weather balloon. (There are pictures from the original story of pieces of mylar.)

But that probable hoax would be a perfect smokescreen for real research into unexplained phenomena. It would be nice if the government declassified their info but I think the media would spin it out of control. Originally Posted by goodman0422
the roswell balloon story is prolly true, but its not the whole story.

I'm betting that the UFO crashed into the balloon.
Ripmany's Avatar
What school do outer space now and have a fun time