Left and illegals using domestic terrorist tactics

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a duly elected official, was away from home this Saturday when 200 "activists" descended upon his private residence with blow horns, signs, angry shouts, matching T shirts, and four buses. The shouted angry slogans and made vile charges while standing on private property (his driveway and front porch). The police were called and that took 15 minutes for a response. Just before the police arrived the protestors quickly returned to their buses for the feigned innocence and get away.

This is a form of terrorism. Threatening implied violence against Kobach and his children (who were visiting relatives) is against the law. To conspire to commit a misdemeanor (simple treaspass) is a felony and should be prosecuted under the RICO act.

I will ask our left leaning friends here if they support scaring children? Do they support criminal acts to intimidate public officials? Many of the protestors claimed to be illegal aliens (also a criminal offense) and they think this entitles them to citizenship rights. The Sunflower Community Action is an offshoot of the ACORN which is funded by well known socialist, Nazi collaborator George Soros.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a duly elected official, was away from home this Saturday when 200 "activists" descended upon his private residence with blow horns, signs, angry shouts, matching T shirts, and four buses. The shouted angry slogans and made vile charges while standing on private property (his driveway and front porch). The police were called and that took 15 minutes for a response. Just before the police arrived the protestors quickly returned to their buses for the feigned innocence and get away.

This is a form of terrorism. Threatening implied violence against Kobach and his children (who were visiting relatives) is against the law. To conspire to commit a misdemeanor (simple treaspass) is a felony and should be prosecuted under the RICO act.

I will ask our left leaning friends here if they support scaring children? Do they support criminal acts to intimidate public officials? Many of the protestors claimed to be illegal aliens (also a criminal offense) and they think this entitles them to citizenship rights. The Sunflower Community Action is an offshoot of the ACORN which is funded by well known socialist, Nazi collaborator George Soros.

http://townhall.com/columnists/todds...-home-n1621761 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

cant have Freedom of Assembly now can we?
cant have Freedom of Assembly now can we? Originally Posted by CJ7
On the front porch of an unwilling person's house?

No, you can't have THAT kind of assembly - and you never could before, either.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-17-2013, 01:58 PM
the scenario sounds fishy

first Kobach "said" or who exactly said what? .. but the article said he was away from home

took police 15 minutes to get there but the protestors left just in time? ... what if the cops had been there in 5 minutes?

fishy at best
JCM800's Avatar
lets just blame it on those fucktards from Westboro.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yep, the SCOTUS' recent decision about the Arizona voting registration law just absolutely reeks of terrorism, doesn't it?

Corneyhole, you ignorant slut, your take on your fellow pussy Kansans "being terrorized" doesn't (as usual) pass muster. What the FUCK else is new?
cant have Freedom of Assembly now can we? Originally Posted by CJ7

Only in front of abortion clinics.

The Associated Press is indicating that the guy wasn't even home when the protest occurred. No mention of any threats, no mention of any children, no mention of any police officers, nothing at all like the picture JD paints.....fucking 'tard.

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) – Immigration reform advocates gathered in Kansas City, Kan., and said contrary to popular rhetoric, most Kansans support immigration reform.

Organizers said the town hall meeting Saturday attracted hundreds of people from Kansas, Iowa, Colorado and Rhode Island.
After the meeting a group also went to the Wyandotte County home of Kansas Secretary of State Kobach and left about 20 pairs of shoes at his doorstep. Armando Minjarez, a member of Sunflower Community Action, one of the event coordinators, said the shoes represent parents who’ve been deported since 2008.

Congress is battling over comprehensive immigration changes.
Kobach has built a national profile presenting tough policies on illegal immigration issues. He and his family apparently weren’t home during the protest at his home.

On the front porch of an unwilling person's house?

No, you can't have THAT kind of assembly - and you never could before, either. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Hahahaha, Lets just hope he was kidding.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
fucking Kansas.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-18-2013, 06:25 AM

JD wants the rest of the world to believe Tea Party e-mails!

Looks like he fooled exNYer.

exNYer, if you quit looking for Weiner's you'd have more time to research JD's nonsense.
fucking Kansas. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Number one, for the terminally stupid, I wrote that Kobach as not home and neither were his children. Private property rights do not disappear when you are not home.

Number two, the AP has been recognized as a very liberal source of news which they themselves had been forced to admit. The local newspaper, where the reporter would have come from, is the Kansas City Star. Also known as a very unreliable, liberal newspaper. Cases to note: supporting the 2006 minimum wage increase until after the election and then coming out against the MWI as a bad idea. Or promoting Karen McCarthy for reelection after spending two years writing about her slurred speech, angry outbursts, problems with her staff, and "drunken" staggering the capital building. Her opponent? A conservative, former pro-athlete, businessman who happened to be black and republican. The AP and KC Star are prone to terrible bias.

Kobach is an elected official. His property was invaded by people claiming to be illegal aliens. Illegal aliens demanding the same rights that they just denied an American citizen. So I take it that our lefties here support terrorism, fear tactics, lawlessness, and mob rule. You all admit your guilt. Here is a little video of the event http://www.kansascity.com/2013/06/17...at-kobach.html

Note how they are shouting and on Kobach property. So as I said earlier; conspiring to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony prosecutable under the RICO act. I notice that no one responded to that so lets just say that I was right and you are all nimrods. This group is also supported by George Soros (ahhh, the conspiracy grows!)

So why don't you all go back and try again. This time respond to the facts put before you and not your wild mental delusions.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2013, 01:02 PM
Number one, for the terminally stupid, I wrote that Kobach as not home and neither were his children. Private property rights do not disappear when you are not home.

Number two, the AP has been recognized as a very liberal source of news which they themselves had been forced to admit. The local newspaper, where the reporter would have come from, is the Kansas City Star. Also known as a very unreliable, liberal newspaper. Cases to note: supporting the 2006 minimum wage increase until after the election and then coming out against the MWI as a bad idea. Or promoting Karen McCarthy for reelection after spending two years writing about her slurred speech, angry outbursts, problems with her staff, and "drunken" staggering the capital building. Her opponent? A conservative, former pro-athlete, businessman who happened to be black and republican. The AP and KC Star are prone to terrible bias.

Kobach is an elected official. His property was invaded by people claiming to be illegal aliens. Illegal aliens demanding the same rights that they just denied an American citizen. So I take it that our lefties here support terrorism, fear tactics, lawlessness, and mob rule. You all admit your guilt. Here is a little video of the event http://www.kansascity.com/2013/06/17...at-kobach.html

Note how they are shouting and on Kobach property. So as I said earlier; conspiring to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony prosecutable under the RICO act. I notice that no one responded to that so lets just say that I was right and you are all nimrods. This group is also supported by George Soros (ahhh, the conspiracy grows!)

So why don't you all go back and try again. This time respond to the facts put before you and not your wild mental delusions. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
apparently everyone knows exactly who is responsible for the protest, yet no criminal trespass charges have been filed

strangely enough, 4 buses filled with 200 people left just minutes before cops arrived, yet the cops couldn't find them

nah, the story reeks of horseshit
Number one, for the terminally stupid, I wrote that Kobach as not home and neither were his children. Private property rights do not disappear when you are not home.

Number two, the AP has been recognized as a very liberal source of news which they themselves had been forced to admit. The local newspaper, where the reporter would have come from, is the Kansas City Star. Also known as a very unreliable, liberal newspaper. Cases to note: supporting the 2006 minimum wage increase until after the election and then coming out against the MWI as a bad idea. Or promoting Karen McCarthy for reelection after spending two years writing about her slurred speech, angry outbursts, problems with her staff, and "drunken" staggering the capital building. Her opponent? A conservative, former pro-athlete, businessman who happened to be black and republican. The AP and KC Star are prone to terrible bias.

Kobach is an elected official. His property was invaded by people claiming to be illegal aliens. Illegal aliens demanding the same rights that they just denied an American citizen. So I take it that our lefties here support terrorism, fear tactics, lawlessness, and mob rule. You all admit your guilt. Here is a little video of the event http://www.kansascity.com/2013/06/17...at-kobach.html

Note how they are shouting and on Kobach property. So as I said earlier; conspiring to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony prosecutable under the RICO act. I notice that no one responded to that so lets just say that I was right and you are all nimrods. This group is also supported by George Soros (ahhh, the conspiracy grows!)

So why don't you all go back and try again. This time respond to the facts put before you and not your wild mental delusions. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Try what again dumbass? You posted up something that is mostly bullshit and when you get called on it, your defense is (as usual) "the liberal media is lying".

And stop fucking talking about RICO, which is clearly something you don't know jackshit about....I hate to burst your bubble you dimwitted moron but US attorneys aren't interested in prosecuting citizens for conspiracy to commit trespass under the RICO statute. The very suggestion of it would cause a federal prosecutor to laugh out loud. You're an idiot. Shut up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess CJ is reading something else. I never said, nor posted, anything that said the buses LEFT before the cops arrived. What are you reading? Are they your talking points from the kitchen of Rahm Emmanuel?

For the nasty little Timmie (go find Lassie); what I posted is in the story. You want to tout your source no matter how questionable (remember, I live here) and then you don't want to believe mine. I posted two sources. You can use RICO against a group trying intimidate an elected official. I suppose you support terrorism or at least you aren't against it. Are you muslim Timmie?