An example of the GOP imploding

chefnerd's Avatar
Amazing, after the setbacks from last year, and the alienation facing the GOP, you might think they would learn and stop using their brains for seat cushions. "Street Walker", "Love Child"? She's in his own party and a Harvard Law graduate for crying out loud.

By Jeff Zeleny
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Jun 19, 2013 5:43pm

David Scull/Bloomberg/Getty Images

A former Miss America winner who is now a GOP candidate for Congress was called a string of profane names today, including “street walker,” ”love child” and “Miss Queen. ” Her attacker? A local Republican Party chairman in central Illinois.
Why am I not surprised?
BigLouie's Avatar
From a story in USA Today.

A former Miss America who is black and running for Congress has been called a "street walker," "love child" and other names by a Republican Party chairman in Illinois.

Erika Harold, a Harvard-trained lawyer who wore the crown in 2003, is challenging Rep. Rodney Davis in a Republican primary. The comments by Montgomery County (Ill.) GOP Chairman Jim Allen were reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

"Now, Miss Queen is being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS," Allen wrote in an e-mail to Republican News Watch.

The Post-Dispatch describes it as an independent website run by conservative Republicans who are challenging moderate GOP leaders in Illinois.

Allen also called Harold the "love child" of the Democratic National Committee and criticized her platform as Miss America, which promoted abstinence and put the spotlight on bullying in schools. He also predicted that Davis would win and that Harold would be "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."

And the Republican party wonders why they lost the women vote.
chefnerd's Avatar
Duplicate thread Louie, and it's not just about women. It's about the stupidity inherent in certain factions.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I felt the urge to merge
BigLouie's Avatar
Why that woman stays Republican is a mystery. She should switch to being a Dem because it is clear how her own party feels about her.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 06:00 AM
Amazing, after the setbacks from last year, and the alienation facing the GOP, you might think they would learn and stop using their brains for seat cushions. "Street Walker", "Love Child"? She's in his own party and a Harvard Law graduate for crying out loud.

By Jeff Zeleny
Follow on Twitter
Jun 19, 2013 5:43pm

David Scull/Bloomberg/Getty Images

A former Miss America winner who is now a GOP candidate for Congress was called a string of profane names today, including “street walker,” ”love child” and “Miss Queen. ” Her attacker? A local Republican Party chairman in central Illinois. Originally Posted by chefnerd

but but but ... the dude from La is leaving the dem party because dems are racists, right JD?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The GOP "establishment" needs to wake up and smell the roses, or should I say the TEA.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 06:16 AM
The GOP "establishment" needs to wake up and smell the roses, or should I say the TEA. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

It's about the stupidity inherent in certain factions.... ^^^^^ theres one now
It really is a shame that the republican party has so much infighting and that both parties are too focused on shutting each other down instead of being more issue oriented and focusing on what is good for the USA and it's citizens.
BigLouie's Avatar
It really is a shame that the republican party has so much infighting and that both parties are too focused on shutting each other down instead of being more issue oriented and focusing on what is good for the USA and it's citizens. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
Who is this, Pollyanna? Politics is NO LONGER about what is good for the USA and it's citizens. It has not been for a long time. It is all about getting elected, enriching yourself and your backers. That's the fight, to get to the money trough.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is this, Pollyanna? Politics is NO LONGER about what is good for the USA and it's citizens. It has not been for a long time. It is all about getting elected, enriching yourself and your backers. That's the fight, to get to the money trough. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Geez, I take a few days off, and Big Louie gets it!

I realize what it has become and that is part of the shame and why so many of us are angry at Washington for becoming what it has. It's not the system I grew up with.
bojulay's Avatar
News flash, politicians make stupid statements.

Now all of my illusions have been shattered.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
CJ! I am surprised at YOUR racism. I didn't see anything racist in the terms "love child" or "street walker". I understand that a person of any race can be one or the other (or both) but in your brain they can only be black. Your racism is on full display. I feel bad for you...

This is nothing new. How many times have Tea Party candidates been attacked by the GOP establishment and you said nothing. Actually, you usually laughed and thought it was good. Why the change of heart? I smell hypocrisy in the air. Ted Cruz got the same treatment when he took on the establishment candidate as did Nikki Haley. Two different philosophies. Lets look at this bozo. After all this is Chicago (all of Illinois is Chicago for political purposes) and like Massachusetts a republican is probably pretty liberal. Ooops! You forgot to mention that Allen has resigned. I think that is important. I guess his own party could not support his personal convictions. Cast a lot of doubt on your assumptions doesn't it? I also notice that the head of the RNC also called for the resignation of Allen. Also kind of important. You sure do leave a lot out.

So to conclude; CJ shows his own personal racism with certain distateful assumptions (kind of like Jim Allen) and the Illinois and national GOP can't stomach what he said. His resignation is demanded and recieved. We also know that the lefties here cannot tell the complete truth and hope that their lies go undiscovered. Shameful!