The only thing that is going to stem the out of control inflation is interest rate hikes.

We can thank the out of control spending of BRANDON and his party (they control of ALL the branches of gumment) for the out of control inflation...this is without any support of the Republicans (they know better). The gumment has to STOP this out of control spending. These leftwing idiots said the BBBoondoogle wouldn't cost anything...these fucker are crazy and dangerous!!

If it wasn't for Manchin and Sinema we would have this BBBoondoogle shoved down the throats of the American populus. They want to do away with the filibuster (rule by fiat) so that they can destroy the country, again if not for Manchin and Sinema this would have happened.

The left doesn't care about bipartisanship, they want to rule by fiat, sounds a lot like a dictatorship to me. If this would have passed it would have put the country into an economic spiral nose dive that would make the current economic crisis look like a mild recession. There is no defense for the reckless behavior. Liberalism is a failed ideology and gutless choice!! The current polls show JUST what the American think about libtard polices!!

The majority of Fed members forecast three interest rate ...
Dec 15, 2021 · The Fed also increased its inflation forecast for this year, 2022 and 2023. It now sees inflation running to 5.3% this year, above its previous estimate of …

Inflation & Interest Rates Relationship Explained
Inverse Correlation Between Interest Rates and InflationFractional Reserve BankingQuantity Theory of MoneyInterest Rates, Savings, Loans, and InflationThe Federal Open Market Committee
Under a system of fractional reservebanking, interest rates and inflation tend to be inversely correlated. This relationship forms one of the central tenets of contemporary monetary policy: Central banks manipulate short-term interest rates to affect the rate of inflation in the economy. The below chart demonstrates the inverse correlation between interest rates and inflation. In the chart, CPI refers to …
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Hawkish Fed signals it may have to hike rates sooner to ...
Jan 05, 2022 · “Participants generally noted that, given their individual outlooks for the economy, the labor market, and inflation, it may become warranted …

Fed Governor Says Bank Should Increase Interest Rates …
Dec 02, 2021 · Fed Governor Says Bank Should Increase Interest Rates to Fight Inflation. Inflation is likely to stay above 2% for longer than expected, …

Federal Reserve: Expect 3 interest-rate hikes in 2022 ...
Dec 15, 2021 · Raising the rate makes it more expensive to borrow or spend money, slowing down spending and potentially tamping down inflation. But hiking the rate too fast could damage the labor market, which ...

Hawkish Fed signals it may have to raise rates sooner to ...
Jan 05, 2022 · Hawkish Fed signals it may have to raise rates sooner to fight inflation By Howard Schneider and Jonnelle Marte 3 days ago Massachusetts schools are using dogs to …

Fed Could Raise Rates 3 Times in 2022 and Speeds End …
Dec 15, 2021 · The Fed’s new economic projections suggested rates, which have been at rock-bottom since March 2020, might rise to 2.1 percent by the end of 2024. should be in the next two years. Three Fed ...

Hawkish says the Fed may have to raise rates faster to ...
Jan 06, 2022 · WASHINGTON – A “very tight” labor market and persistent inflation could require the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates faster than expected and start reducing its total assets as a second brake on the economy, U.S. Federal Reserve policymakers said at a recent meeting.

Hawkish Fed signals it may have to raise rates sooner to ...
Jan 05, 2022 · January 2022 is inheriting a lot of obstacles from 2021, particularly the threats from inflation and the possibility of rising interest rates. This means 2022 could be a big year for active fund managers because these issues have the potential to increase volatility. The Fed’s easy money policies over the...

Fed sees three interest rate hikes in 2022 as inflation ...
Dec 16, 2021 · As a result, officials at the median projected the Fed's benchmark overnight interest rate would need to rise from its current near-zero level to 0.90% by the end of 2022, with continued increases...

US Inflation Statistics - Inflation Rate Data
... They need the liberals in the poor-house.
So Biden can hand them all money.

The Dems surely need to do something to distract
from Sleepy Joe's FAILED presidency.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You posted this already.

To control inflation, interest rates need to rise. Everyone knows that already. The FED is taking steps to control inflation. Interest rates will be rising.

So ?

You would prefer 30% unemployment and stagflation ?
You and the FED...TWK asked the FED hiring. FED can't do shit about inflation!!
You don't know the correlation between gummet out of control spending an inflation...AND YOU NEVER WILL. To you big gummet is a good thing...your constantly asking people if they got their gummet "free money" if that's a good thing!!
You're ALWAYS posting crazy shit.
VitaMan's Avatar
if you say so
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Should have started the interest rate hikes last June, perhaps April.
1/8 every other month and it would have only been 3/8 in December (June start). Nice slow raises.
But no......

Btw, here's the November PPI that was released mid December
Note 3rd paragraph. 6.9%.
The inflation rate everyone talks about is downstream from the PPI by a couple months.
No VM says that FED has got it under control...
He doesn't understand that the gumment spending in the manner it has lately is causing this incredible runaway inflation. He's just happy that almost everyone is getting that "free" money...
He won't even admit that that senile Ol' goat is beat carter for the worse economy in over 40yrs!!!
VitaMan's Avatar
bb prefers to have unemployment over 20% and stagflation that would last for years
That senile old POS and his ideology are the direct cause of this disasterous inflation brought on by irresponsible spending...but you and MILLIONS of others got your gummet "free" money. You heve been touting this crap on here for MANY said that it was an accomplishment of the POS and his administration. If you want I'll post EVERY post of yours to confirm this...
Where the fuck do you come up with the shit you say about unemployment???
The correlation between unemployed and inflation is lower unemployment leads to inflation not higher unemployment

Low levels of unemployment correspond with higher inflation, while high unemployment corresponds with lower inflation and even deflation. From a logical standpoint, this relationship makes sense. When unemployment is low, more consumers have discretionary income to purchase goods.
What happens when inflation and unemployment are ...…
Yssup Rider's Avatar
bb prefers to have unemployment over 20% and stagflation that would last for years Originally Posted by VitaMan
Every one of his posts looks the same to me. Over and over and over and over.

He should change his mandle to oebb1961

Would be a better fit while he drives up his post count.

Like ALL your self-anointed 5 star trash (that end up 1 star)...and 53k+ did mention post counts (not including your alter ego HoseHummer)
VitaMan's Avatar
You googled a website, and now you are an economic expert ? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express over the weekend ?

Clearly you don't understand. You should have been reading the meeting minutes from the FED reserve meetings. But that may be too much for your BDS.

Stagflation is high unemployment with persistent inflation. That is what you want. And that is what would have happened if the FED didn't bring down unemployment while the demand for goods and services increased rapidly after the pandemic shock.

Hopefully this will be a good education for you. But you have a simple view of the world.

And you lied again.
Who's the fucking liar...your fucking thread, you own it!!
Get your head out of the sand...
You got your crap thrown back in your face!!

From your infinite wisdom!!

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VitaMan's Avatar

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No. You miss the whole concept of stimulus checks and how they impact economic activity.

And Biden accomplished this in a few months, whereas the previous administration was baffled on what to do, and did little, until they realized the impact it may have on the election. Then they changed their minds.

An accomplishment on the record for Biden. Another is standing up to China with the new defense arrangement in the region with Australia and the UK.
VitaMan's Avatar
Like ALL your self-anointed 5 star trash (that end up 1 star)...and 53k+ did mention post counts (not including your alter ego HoseHummer) Originally Posted by bb1961

You are really showing your amateur status bb.

May need to put you on ignore soon, as all your posts are the same thing, with lies to answer anything that doesn't fit your world view.
I caught you in a bald face lie and just like I have YR on many's time to turn tail and run!!
As they say don't let the door hit ya'...join the "woke" crowd!!
You and YR have a lot in common...neither one of you like being called out on your lies.