Gary Hart - generational change earthquake

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

great article & interview with former democratic candidate Gary Hart.

He discusses the generational change politics that taking place today.

His comments are interesting.

Says that Democratic party fails to notice the changes taking place beneath their feet until too late.

I think that is probably because of the lies they told themselves and to their followers and the employment of dirty tricks and they do not see/or could not see the changes taking place and move to adjust.

the turmoil in the republican party is more noticeable and are moving to adjust despite resistances from certain quarters (establishment).
Gary Hart was not, and is not, a "Democrat" as defined by today's Democrat Party.

For those of us who are old enough to remember the Hart campain, it is still baffling why he looked the Press right in the eye, challenging them to follow him around if they thought he was fucking around, and THEN going out and fucking around in the range of a camera.

It kinda went under that heading, "you can't make this shit up".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gary Hart was not, and is not, a "Democrat" as defined by today's Democrat Party. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I was just thinking about him today after reading the article yesterday.

I think had his campaign not derailed, I think he would have been a good president. he had the right chops to lead. however, i think he would have been a transitional president for the democratic party.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
For those of us who are old enough to remember the Hart campain, it is still baffling why he looked the Press right in the eye, challenging them to follow him around if they thought he was fucking around, and THEN going out and fucking around in the range of a camera.

It kinda went under that heading, "you can't make this shit up". Originally Posted by Jackie S
hubris on Gary Harts part. He forgot that discretion is a must for any politician fooling around.